ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 23. augusts

When you too f*cked up!

That's not even a question anymore, that getting in creative business is more and more sophisticated. Stairs of creativity in advertising and other related businesses are high enough to to get to the moon and back. Just by thinking outside the box is already a yesterday talk, there has to be "wwooaw".
As difficult as to create a new campaign it extremely difficult to re-make an existing one. One of the greatest examples, most of you probably know is Old Spice. How did this "my grandfather uses this and i never even want to smell it" deodorant brand, got nearly 7 million view, 24 hours after launching the campaign, and now attracted all even my age guys to buy that crap.

One thing that it's made by one of the best companies and my favourite "w+k" but the trick or kind of a mind f*ck they did, was to targeted the campaign of the product that's meant to be for male, to female. Doing something completely opposite. In this case cause they assumed that most of the shopping is done by the ladies that Isaiah Mustafa is talking to through out all the commercial and hoping that the ladies would buy Old Spice for their man as they have seen the commercial.
Simple and genius. That's how the world should be..

Maybe i should try to give the second breath to Hugh Hefner and his lovely ladies magazine Playboy.
It has lost the charm and intimity by all the modersnism around as and internet porn. (For more information about internet porn check "Family guy episode 2, from season 8")
What could give the old "Playboy magazine" some fresh colors? Campaign targeting woman might not work this time, cause i'm not sure, if this magazine would be on the top of their grocery list, but a little sneaky old-school look a like commercials could work.
Maybe make nearly a super fancy magazine, old look, new breeze.. Would be one of those things for hipsters, but hey in everyone there is a little hipster inside, so it should work.


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