pirmdiena, 2012. gada 27. augusts


Will be this weeks theme indeed.
I mean nearly every stand up comedian has had a joke about stupid bullsh*t or stupid poeple talking this bullcrap.
Isn't that just incredibly correct how often actually we face some idiotism in our lives? It's just been so much cultivated in our daily life that we do not even consider / pay attention to these kind of things.
I happen to have to step a bit back and mention some advertising crap. (Well most of the people who are not interested in this business might see these words very normal to be together. "Advertising" and "crap", but this is truly one of the cases )

 The soda water "7up", had this campaign about 60 years ago, when they braged that 11 months year old kid, is not  at all their youngest target audience member. Like for real nig*a? For real? Further we go, more interesting the story envolves. The campaign encourage mom's to mix the milk with with "7up" in doze of 50 to 50, so it would be even healthier. God damn.   A line from the campaign says as follows: "You can even give it to your baby, and feel good about it"...
That's just some load of shit, on top of some more shit.
And besides, that it's incredible how those guys got this campaign running. They actually got it to be a success story, meaning that they managed to pull down this loads of crap, through the throught of all these amazignly blind and stupid people.

I do have to apollogise for the inappropriate language used in this post, but come on. Come on.

Promise to behave for the next post.

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