piektdiena, 2012. gada 29. jūnijs

Only half of a whale?

How about a tea spoon of sugar now?
 But as a bear has to go for a winter nap, my blog is going in a small power nap, that will last for a week or so. But as you all are already mentally prepared for it, cause i ensured to inform you a day before, no tiers anymore. 
Have a very good one everybody there and here - everywhere ! Damn, such a nice rhyme this is :)
Cheeers, and have a good one.
I don't know exactly what is going to be the one good thing but that's what you say in Australia at least, also "That's totally rats dude" 
ok enough of my detailed and precise knowledge examples about other nations now. 

ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 28. jūnijs

Sleeves up, heads down

Slowly preparing everyone on the other side of the screen for a week of solitude and desperate calls for some super awesome blog posts. That is because i'm am leaving this lovely town to attend a crazy a*s Festival in Roskilde, and as it's a week long it means that for a 7-8 days long period there will be no internet access for me.
To compensate that i will have a Real blog post for once in my life describing the situation there, with pictures and all other kinds of crazy sh't :)

I hope your done crying cause there is one more extremely important message to hear. I like oysters. That is awesome isn't it? A little bit of lemon drop, or with a lot of lemon drops and bon apetit ! And i also read this article about hard penises and stuff and i love the oysters even more now. Why should you like oysters? http://www.seekwellness.com/mens_sexuality/good_living.htm

Good food, good livin', good lovin'  -- who would not like something like that, right?

Cheers behind elephant ear scratch-ers 

trešdiena, 2012. gada 27. jūnijs

Wait a minute or two.

How about a cup of tea and a tea spoon of honey from bees?
I have no idea what the first sentence means or why i wrote it, like i have no idea, how i will survive a week being ill.
In few days i'm going to a 8 days festival, and with such a phobia as i have - "fear of an empty glass" during all week long is going to be a tough trial.
Cenosillicaphobia is the name of this evilness. But, so i will have to prepare myself with several bottles of vodka and loads of beers, to secure myself.

"I don't ask.. for much these days" /The Roots/ Only to see a live show of lady man dancing. Not that much that i would enjoy it, but just as one of those things that you would like to experience once a lifetime, to select the check box and say - Been there, done that. Something like killing a lobster in a boiled water, or touching with tongues with another man, when you are straight thinking person.

blah, i should start to take this blog stuff more serious huh? Like prepare a theme and then research a bit, and then blow your minds even damn more, otherwise these are just my random thoughts, that i put on the keyboard, not something incredibly special.

And as i am such a special person, it can not continue that way.
See you after i tease you.

otrdiena, 2012. gada 26. jūnijs

Green truck and full stomache

How about flushing everything down now, and starting all over again? Have you thought that they way your going is nice, but still not fully satisfying.? Sounds like some kind of a "Into the wild" stories, where a man literally cuts his all bonds with current life and heads off to a new, unknown universe.
A pack of two huge balls will be needed, in order to do something like that and the most important the purpose why. As long as it makes sense and brings joy to you,  i see no reason why anything couldn't be completed.
Motivating others while you are not as motivated yourself, might not sound the most greatest thing in the world but it makes sense to me, to make other people go out and do stuff, to help them kick off, make the first baby steps, choose the right fitting bra for the ladies after touching their breast, all of these things just makes so much sense to me, that they can't be ignored and therefore i made a facebook group to sort all of these problems out. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motivate-your-self/162935420394389 
Or actually i made it with 2 other guys 1,5 year ago but after 3 posts it died, so I, Sir Ri(hard)s want to happily announce that i will take care of this facebook, community page with that greatest honor and pride for until it will reach amount of 500 likes. 
Sounds very royal, right? 

p.s. and i do not know why there few lines highlighted white and why i have two long hairs growing on my sholder.

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 25. jūnijs

Mr Excuse.

So in my computer the time is 23.20 so it still counts as sunday, as this place is updated daily.

With no thoughts in the head
i will be heading to the bed
And a lot of times, when i will not know what to say
I might write a line of poem i may
Not caring that much about the grammar and the logical sense
Getting out of it not yet a single pence
So many things to do
But always will have enough time only for you
For you my dear blog reader and fan
Who will be reliable and don't wants to get banned
From this source of awesomeness and infinite amount of wise words
I give you all this nice info that sticks in your head like for a guitar player chords.

I got to bed now. and it´s 01.30, i lied, lied. I'm sorry

sestdiena, 2012. gada 23. jūnijs

Kick it where it doesn't hurts

" I know it's working, cause i'm pushing it right " /The Roots/
Quite ambitious to say, but who else if not your self is going to say that. New ambitions, new motivation for doing more random stuff and quit them all pretty soon. That's how it has been so far. My motivation for one thing doesn't last longer than a hairball in cats mouth. Even though the process has been great for a certain period of time, the outcome always happens to be puked out and forgotten.

The second paragraph of this post will not include any meaning that´s why all of you are going to be frustrated after finishing this sentence, cause you wasted your so precious time, that you would rather spend on watching another "Friends" episode and why am i doing this (?) to show how much of a bad ass i am, and i don't really show it out in real life, i have to do my best here in internet world, like a 12 year old, youtube commentator gangster, who just simply does not give a sh*t about what is he writing and being proud of it because his mother has no clue about his naughty actions.

With all the best,
Mr. Who wrote the longest one sentence in the history of blogs.

piektdiena, 2012. gada 22. jūnijs

one,2, one, 2

Bad ass weather, bad ass mood, and in the fridge there almost no more food.
So how from here we go on into creating a wonderful day? 

Option #2 Stay here, go out in a balcony, drink a cup of coffee and feel miserable + take the bus to the center and be afraid that control might catch me, without a ticket. Complain all day long how much my (wonderful ) body is sunburn, and not want to go to work. 

Option #1  Take a bike and cycle the shit out of it  in this rain. Do the same on the way home.
Have a great interview, get a job and, continue doing awesome stuff like stuffing 

Difference is that the number 2 was me, for a while ago, when i was a little bit afraid of everything like a boy at the moment when he has tried to masturbate for the first time, and he thinks he's parents has caught him,  and will have a serious talk to him about it.

But i have understood why am i not that great with talking to people in social spaces. 
It's just because i haven't done it. Ooooorh, Jesus Christ and the Lord from the heaven... yes, yes. all my teenage years i've have gotten to talk to people at the party only after some amounts of alcohol going into my body. And when i have to start out talking just by sitting down with a glass of wine it just brings a concrete curtain in front of the brain and i become speechless.. So the way to fix is to practice, practice, practice. 

Ok, enough of this emotional crap for one day.

ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 21. jūnijs

Oh, you do that

Funny how your perspectives gets's  infected so fast, depending from the people around you. And it makes it only worse if you will start to compare yourself to anybody else on this freaking planet. Then your doomed man, doomed, cause the one and only one who knows how to and when to do the things you like is only yourself, just depends if you Are doing anything. Even pretending to be a vacuum cleaner might be a good idea if you do it with passion (:

That's been the biggest fear for me - to not to become anyone or anything. That is one of the reasons why i am sitting here now and writing this blog, cause i believe that some day, some day it will come back to me and i just love to do it + i need to spread the wise words of mine to everybody else so that this world becomes a better place. Also this http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motivate-your-self/162935420394389 place will bring you to a whole knew universe of inspirational goodies.

Cheers to everybody who has already taken the morning brownie down the drain, whooop.

trešdiena, 2012. gada 20. jūnijs

As the sun rotates my blog grows bigger..*

how many comes here and triiies to figure... out their lives
and cope with their lonely minds, to get them selves back
on the right path
just by using a simple math. 
Read my blog + share it with their friends
= the key elements where the curve of happiness bends.
Bends towards the ultimate joy and satisfaction, not a plane smile that's created like piece of manufacture.

Damn i suck at pretending to be a rapper. I guess i should just stick to being awesome and write my observation in a normal (super cool) way.
eh, em, eee,  has anyone ever thought why does milk is called milk?

Yes, i will leave you with a question, so everybody would be like "what the f (little start symbol) ck", or "that is such a cool, random question, i want to have this guys autograph", or "ooh, i forgot to check the oven" or no more "ors".

*The title is taken and generated  from one of Snoop doggs songs, so Snoop, i your reading this, you know that i am a big fan, and i saw you live in 2004, and i am writing like a little teenage fan girl now, so i stop it.

otrdiena, 2012. gada 19. jūnijs

Dot, dot line

And i thought i was a good actor, but still one little bastard was able to tell that something unusual was going on in my mind (and pants).
It is actually pretty funny how very different people react in different platforms, that include different people and environments. Hiding, pretending to be better-different. At least i've caught myself hundreds of times doing that. If a nice girls walk towards you, then you pray for all the starts to align just so you would leave an instant impression, by smoking a cigarette. A weird weirdo i am, and probably is some other, nearly every person?
It would be very funny to hear how, why and when people are trying to Pretend to be someone else.
How do we do that, make a facebook event?

Damn, this shit is seriously  interesting, right? I had to through in some bad words ,to keep the audience awake you know.  Hah, that also was a joke, because no one would ever turn an eye of the screen when reading these splendid blogg posts.

I am clapping on my own shoulder now.

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 18. jūnijs

No title

When there are more thoughts in your mind then a bread crumbs on your breakfast plate, you know that something is supposed to be done in order to set organize your mind to be able to function further with no hesitation. I have chosen to keep myself terribly busy all the time, so the only thing i would have to worry about would be about the very next thing to do.
Like now i'm thinking where could i go to smoke a cigarette, because the way to balcony is guarded by sleeping Bulgarian and the way downstairs seems to be non-optional at the moment.
If it´s a right way to do it? I don't think so, but the only way for now, how i see my self going forward.

Reference back to a Bulgarian girl, cause now i am eating her own-made bread, that's very stuffing and i might be farting all the way to school on my bike. I did it once in the public bus and for a moment i felt proud that i had have courage enough to do it, until i saw a fairly pretty girl looking at me, with a little cranky grin pointing towards me. Self confidence broke down in a second. But even a bad experience is an experience you know, so i would 100% recommend it to every people in the world who are lacking self confidence. It's a great, a bit challenging tool how to overcome your fear - fart in the bus.

But now as i was trying to come up with a super funny ending line, my brain won't work.. guess that bread has blocked my thinking cells as well, not only stomach.

sestdiena, 2012. gada 16. jūnijs

one billion is anumber

Believe it or not, but i'm back here, and as promised to myself and will tell to a lot of people later i will start to write here on daily basis..
It Could be to much of delightful information for all of you, but the main purpose will be selfish to its roots, for personal development.. bla,bla, bla, boring purpose - not that boring outcome, cause these splendid post will be written with a bits of graceful thoughts, exciting experiences, phenomenal perspectives from a phenomenal person -me.

But to come closer to become a creative artists i´ve got to use drugs. that is true.. or heavy booze obsession might do it. At least from the past few weeks when i have came across some stories about creative artists / inventors / musicians all of them have had some fucked up story, that's been compressed in few hundred pages or a film tape to impress all the little grey audience. And it does, people dig misery and success and even more when those two things combined makes an profile of one man. (Doesn't matter which comes first)
mmh, wait i don't need to use any drugs actually.. in my awesome biographical movie / book, i will mention my high school years, when there was this one year (ok, might have been 3-4 years) when i drank every weekend, whole year through. And i'm proud of it!
No fuck, of course i´m not, that's way i have to work my ass off twice as hard now at my early twenties, in order to achieve great success. tadaaaaa

sestdiena, 2012. gada 2. jūnijs


To start our with frustration shower or keep a english-breakfast-with-a-cup-of-tea calm?
Library closes in 40 minutes, and that´s the exact amount of time i have to write this post, check some funny pictures, and check facebook.
It´s not that i don´t like these filthy public places and spaces it´s just more of the idea that i spend all my money and a device that is not fuckin* working and that´s why i am stuck in this horny, no-life-play-youtube-all-day people.
I can see i can get influenced pretty easy by book i´m reading. And as i have free time (against my own will) i´m hallway done with the "Scar Tissue" where are a lot of these word line (word-line sentences).

What the fuck should i do? Write a book now? i have no money to drink, so that´s not an option this time.
I will come up with something fucked up probably that will be described in a very neat way i will visit this not-close-to-be-cosy place.
 Yesterday tried to fix up my mood with some good music and way to many cigarettes. Didn´t work as i image, but will try to do that  today again.

eh, eough here for now. and sorry all my 17 twitter followers for not posting anything new for a week.