otrdiena, 2011. gada 31. maijs


i never wanna feeeeeeel like i did that day, [RHCP] or in my case "like i felt last night" cause i almost died. got up every 2 hours, with terrible headaches and full nose but then i started to sing this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ and immediately i got better. no of course that`s a lie, but at least i didn`t thought about the situation for 3 minutes, so every one should have a song, to sing when you`re in the deepest shit possible.

oh, and as we were in this festival, i got some new friends, and i want to show you picture of all of them.

and the last one is just a creepy monkey who guarded my beers.
as you can see, I got a lot of new friends. and all of them are really cool.
see you all jealous pants soon.

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 19. maijs


as a great Harry Potter fan club member, i feel responsible to inform you with the following information. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ku1s1mcg2O1qzwqylo1_500.jpg&imgrefurl=http://brennadaugherty.tumblr.com/post/266788153/spells-in-harry-potter&usg=__tr_4Ae6tA-N4ep0OTTamItVrcXA=&h=500&w=500&sz=162&hl=lv&start=0&sig2=VgxrVHNIk8OtAhhg0pqDeg&zoom=1&tbnid=ijhvzBWC-L0JyM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=159&ei=uiXVTfmqMsLz-gbT1NSSDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dharry%2Bpotter%2Bspells%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dlv%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D643%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=339&vpy=83&dur=2013&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=64&ty=115&sqi=2&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0

ok, maybe im not a fan of this wizard boy, it`s just fun to see this kind of a stuff.

i heard then there is going to be vodka today at the cafe, and tomorrow is free, hmm.. so what could that possibly mean. of course not that we are going to be piss drunk today, and puke all over the shelter place, where cafe is located today.
and a brand new episode of random horse [only without any random horse] series is coming out. probably there is going to trailer first. and i can tell you a secret that the main actor is retarded owl Bob.
now i need to look at my enormous muscles... ok i`m back and but i have nothing more to say, cause i have more important things to do now. like scratching my leg close to my balls, and looking outside of the window.

oh, no, i just wanted to say that yesterday we [we, includes me, so im cool as well] had sushi, from our sushi master Miyuki. ok she`s just a girl from a Japan, but still to eat a food that`s been made by a person with originally narrow eyes, is one of the best things in your life. and her mother sent some cookies, so i know how Japanese sweets taste now as well.

and i just thought that is could be a really cool idea to write something stupid, and actually there is a picture of horse in bumble bees costume. fuck man.

trešdiena, 2011. gada 11. maijs

magnuss jaunākais, elmāram puik.

šis video..
what the fuck, i started to write in my own language, that must mean, that i have to take my hand out of my pants and start to write here more often, or just you people who don`t understand Latvia, will have to learn it. simple as that.
well that that video i posted the link to, is something really cool, but not for long, cause when im gonna find out the programm that`s been used for that video, and how to make it, i will make a better one. Sorry Maxime Bruneel.
oh, today i got like an unstoppable stream of blood coming out of my nose.. yea, that was pretty nasty.
and today, i eat eags and i sended text message to my girlfriend and got into Business Academy Aarhus and watched a funny video and talked to my mother.

have  a terribly good day bitches.