ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 30. septembris


i have one of the most bizzare feelings ever, like im happy as hell, cause everything what i wanted worked out almost perfectly but i can not smile, i look sad as hell, but im happy, so wtf? :D
thats all folks.

sticky, icky whoooooa (nasty x1000)

Now i know that my life is going to turn upside down, because i found the best song, that is ever made in the history of  making songs. ok, maybe the second part of the it could be better, but the first one, is soooo good, that it even makes the crappy part at the same cool, niger ass, awesome level as well.
and its called _caribou-odessa_
and now the fucking internet broke down, so i cant write anything normal, without that cool song in background.
and today, was the day, when i laugh, almost all the time for no logical explanation, but it was COOL. and i had a really massive headacke, probably beacause of the wine and Mr. brown.
I just wanted to write, that i have no ideas about what i should write next, but it would be a pure lies, cause im genious, you now, and that means that i always have an opinion, just sometimes i choose, not to express it. understand that,  boooy?..
and, and then, this one beautiful day i thought that i should check out the statistics, who actually are reading this peace of useless records, and i was suprised, that someone, from Romania, had checked this blog, for several times, and only today i came to the super awesome conclusion, that it is the person i know.
and that all is only because i was using my brains, and i recommend you all to do that as well.

otrdiena, 2010. gada 28. septembris


.. like this is the most awesome blogg, that is ever made in blogg history i just need to increase my self esteem, so shut up.. and cant decide which of the smiley faces i should write, so i will not write any of them, whow cool is that? and the worst advice to quite smoking is- hi, dude, maybe stop smoking when your going to be at home. what the fuck?

and i tried to comment this record, like- hi this is the best blog ever, but there were something wrong with that

bread and 3 fingers

yesterday before i went to bed i saw one of the creepiest or what is the stupid word to describe, super weird cartoon called salat fingers, just write that shit in youtube and you will loose your feeling to find a new video in youtube for ever o_O
and i have a new roommate- sebastian
and i got like a box (almost) of  latvian chocolate and im happy as small kid, when the small kid got his first toy, probably ipod if its nowdays.

svētdiena, 2010. gada 26. septembris

hiiiigh so high

what up this is snoop dogg.. im joking this is rihards, and god is my witness :D
todays news: this morning i get up and for breakasts i got a big jooooooooooooooooooooooooint and now i cant find the fuckink smileyface key so no smileyfaces for you bitches xD
never ever smoke in tree, or you will be a tree, you will take a feeling of tree with you
what should i write next
or should i just finish this text
now im gonna rhyme
but i wil not drink wine
im eating cicken and drinkig coke
do you think that this is some kind of a joke?
and now i got pack of yellow kings on the table
my mood? high but stable
peter my  boy just pushed button enter
but he is stil looking for his inner peter, for his center
im feelin like a boss in my 35th floor office
just spited out boogers from last coughes
its because of smoking
and im not joking..
ok im getting unhigh, or its the next level.,

sestdiena, 2010. gada 25. septembris

Random shiiiiit *

yesterday was the shit.. first we arrived to my mans peter house, got introduced to his awesome parents and i got my own cosy room, niice ^^
some hours later we went to get some booze and then to the house of sabina`s to war up for the city.. i was on the edge of excitment at the time when i was waiting in the line to get into the bar, when i noticed that i left me id card at the fuckin school. so we walk around the city, sneak into two crappy bars,  but still was excited beacause all the girls we meet were really hot n nice as hell. so, we could get in anywhere and we stoped to have a cigaret.. after to minutes around the corner appeared to fucking rooster who started to act like gangstars and start to fight, but they beaten fast and police took care of them.. so we went to bus station to go home when suddenly a random guy asked if we want to buy some green stuff, and we said oh, yes dude, cause thats what we really wanted at the moment, so we got a fuckin weed from christiania and it was sooooo awesome, one small joint and two nasty dude´s were stoned..
this mornig we went for a walk to the lake and hit a morning joint, to relax and now we are looking forward to go to cliff´s house, to bee deaf... no nigger not death- deaf.
im still high at the moment, so this text might not bee were logical.
but fuck that because i came up, with the most genious thing and if it will work out great, then im going to be a fuckin milliore... so i will be able to thing that have never had xD

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 23. septembris


its only half past 11, but im already wasted from few bears n from few zips of cheap vodka, and it`s fuckin unbelievable, cause it`s just unbelievable xD
and, and, and. and i am soooo fuckin excited because tomrrow im going to peters`s  town together with peter and casper, and it will bee so fuckin awesome.... ah i my feets are tickling from excitment dude, i will be fuckin` stoned n i will bee in the greeeat party as well, first real danish party for me, and im still so happy as hell xD
and today i just found out that my mother throught out my favourite south park poster, and it is the biggest disaster that could ever happened now, so im excited as hell and sad AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

trešdiena, 2010. gada 22. septembris

fa helle

so, my idea about anger room has been putted a side, and now i need to do something else, BUT, here comes the but, but i`ve got now fucking ideas what to do. well actually i have a lot of ideas but they dont look that good as i would like them to bee, so me is in the corner of confusion. i tried to brainstorm, but it turned out as a 213 words long poem, so i cant even brainstorm normally. this is the worst record ever but i   will still publish it....,,.....

otrdiena, 2010. gada 21. septembris


tuesday morning, im happy and pissed off,  AT THE SAAAME TIME.
happy to be in my new room, but not that satisfied cause some bitches smoked all of my last cigarets. and as im am poor as kenny, because i used all of my money to buy booze n shit, and now i can smoke my own weener ^^
atleast i got some new danish words in my genious brains, like piss, fisse, kelina, pik, numsen etc. i think that my danish lesson teacher will be so happy, because none of them is a normal word. i will defenetly get a job in denmark, if i will keep learning danish from Julie :)
p.s. i`ve no fuckin` idea how to write correctly those words, so shut up.

pirmdiena, 2010. gada 20. septembris

op, oooop

feelin` good in this crazy monday morning. today im moving out of my room and i hope that my new roomie is not going to be a psycho how will leave his/hers dirty underwear in my clean closet.
yesterday after making my 2nd record, me and casper made a deal- not to shvave for 2 weeks ^^, and i havent done it for 3days already, shiiiit, i will be fuckin santa. i think that we will scare new students next week.
and actually, in real life i dont swear that much, just being on the other side of the screen make`s me feel more secure ....or cooler, i dont know.


this is my first record (that about my wife doesnt counts )
i wish that i had started this thing earlier, beacuse shitloads of new things have happened since i came here, in my dream world - denmark.
i dont give a fuck about all mistakes that i will write in this blog, cause its cool to fail.
and im writting this in english because.. .. actually i dont know why
fisse :)

svētdiena, 2010. gada 19. septembris

jae drikker ol

now im sitting with the most beautiful girl in the world and she`s my wife, and im almost yellow and small.
tomorrow we will have a trip to the tower. it is going to be our first trip :)
and its a bit weird because it is going to our first date as well.
and im happy as hell. thank you.
the naughty hunter.