The link, the link, the link is on fire!!! Only for some reason it is not clickable (?)
That's the link to my new blog by the way !
That's all you have to know for now !
p.s. image in google found
Even if it's a new blog, and don't be afraid to join me in this adventurous journey !
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 19. novembris
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 15. novembris
And this is the link to the awesome site :
As promised this blog is going to a brand new blog location, creating a brand new, awesome, more professional yet funny blog!
Picute not taken by me, and should be in brighter colors, but it will be a bit sad to move out of this cosy, smelly place.
See you in a brand you place!
p.s. will post the link of the blog sunday!
sestdiena, 2012. gada 3. novembris
# 2 Grand Reasons to move out !
As i have finally understood the importance of a blog and how serious / important it can / should be, i tranform all the great values and awesome spirit in to a Brand New Wordpress blog. (Not that i could not do it here, just the feeling of moving forward will be emphasized in this way. At least in my own head)
Therefore from 18 of november 2012 i will provide you with even more awesome blog, that will direct you in the amazing world of advertising, creativity and to my weird, extremely funny thoughts of random facts. So putting all the info in more logical / understandable way.
And all this just to make all my friends (i'm that sweet that i call all the blog readers my friends without even knowing them yet) lives more fulfilled with joy, happiness and a great doze of inspiration to go out there in the big world and kick some butholes.
#1 Because i believe that one of the greatest things you can do is to help people around you. And this will be my way of doing it for now.
Whooaw, what a great, wise and helpful man i am.
#2 Because i would like to be a great blogger, and learn how the f*ck to attract people in this great world of Internet to look at me, my messages, my great work, and give me feedback so i could guide myself in the perfect way to create even more awesome stuff. (excusing statment for the overkill of the word "awesome" I have watched to much of HIMYM lately)
This is theselfish awesome reason number two why.
I think this image nicely explains this next step of creating a new blog. It will be a long, exciting journey with a lots of unexpected actions ahead and mistakes to make (that we will learn from). Hopefully you will join me for this ride.
Borrowed it from: chicksdiggit.tumblr.com
Therefore from 18 of november 2012 i will provide you with even more awesome blog, that will direct you in the amazing world of advertising, creativity and to my weird, extremely funny thoughts of random facts. So putting all the info in more logical / understandable way.
And all this just to make all my friends (i'm that sweet that i call all the blog readers my friends without even knowing them yet) lives more fulfilled with joy, happiness and a great doze of inspiration to go out there in the big world and kick some butholes.
#1 Because i believe that one of the greatest things you can do is to help people around you. And this will be my way of doing it for now.
Whooaw, what a great, wise and helpful man i am.
#2 Because i would like to be a great blogger, and learn how the f*ck to attract people in this great world of Internet to look at me, my messages, my great work, and give me feedback so i could guide myself in the perfect way to create even more awesome stuff. (excusing statment for the overkill of the word "awesome" I have watched to much of HIMYM lately)
This is the
I think this image nicely explains this next step of creating a new blog. It will be a long, exciting journey with a lots of unexpected actions ahead and mistakes to make (that we will learn from). Hopefully you will join me for this ride.
Borrowed it from: chicksdiggit.tumblr.com
svētdiena, 2012. gada 7. oktobris
How a lonely dinosour went to the disco !
Or the theme is actually "Advertising in old times" (refering to the votes in the motivational faceboook group -- http://www.facebook.com/monkeyhasbanana p.s. doesn't matter it was only one vote) but i wouldn't write the topic in the title to prevent all the "topic readers" from leaving this awesome blog sooner then they should.
Don't you miss the old times when commercials was something that you would actually look at and not be afraid of or just skip them as fast as possible.
(Yes, i was not born at that time, but i have seen more adds then you probably ever will and i do have a great understanding of how is adds working .. have to show a bit of my cool side here)
And with old times i wouldn't go too far behind like with egyptians having their sales announcments written on a piece of papyrus... Let's stick to 50's to 60's a few decades after the tv was made ( thanks to John Logie Bard ) but before the cable television was invented. The times when you wanted to skip the commercial you actually had to get you fat ass out of the comfortable chair that was smelling of sweat and food left-overs and press the damn button and then go all the way back to the chair and hope that there woulnd't be another commercial any time soon.
Commercials / commercial television as such was carried out in the early 50's so that's the start of all the yet-seemed to be-innocent started to jump and the tv show's were mainly sponsored by one company therby ending up with the sponsor nearly "running" all the show only until few years later until "DuMont Television Network" come up with a great idea to sell the advertisment time to multiple sponsors and ensuring to have the show more or less as it's supposed to be..
Continuing with geeky stuff here
Only ten years later in early 60's companies really started to invest some serious amount of the damn dollars to reserach the consumer behavior and action towards a certain product or service.
So my mom also didn't escaped the time of people staring to be in influenced in a serious way in certain direction into buying / visiting / consuming all sorts of things and crap.
Just thought you would like to no some facts about my mother..
So from that time on, continuing with the explosion of cable tv and the MTV, to "dot com" boom in the 90's with all the companies going online to the "gorrila marketing" which is basically a stickers and graffitty type of a advertisment and is more for small businesses.. lets just say that "McDonalds "
wouldn't prefer this type of a marketing strategy.
For the ending part-
As every fashion trend, new style of pants or a brand new t-shirt has already been popular, it has just repeated from the history. Light blue straight jeans was so 80's and is ok to wear now again. The advertisment has already begun to turn back in the times when everything seemed to be nice and harmless and smoking was healthy, at specially for woman.
Only now the people have gotten way smarter and are asking too many question and looking for too many answers about everthing including "the thing" they're about to consume, and have a tv'remote that can easily skip the add in no time.
So the add guys have to push more on the emotional side by creating commercials that are not only great advertisment strategies employed in a piece of video but will grab your emotions by the balls.
And i love it.
p.s. a great example of a great add here. Not an old days one though.
Don't you miss the old times when commercials was something that you would actually look at and not be afraid of or just skip them as fast as possible.
(Yes, i was not born at that time, but i have seen more adds then you probably ever will and i do have a great understanding of how is adds working .. have to show a bit of my cool side here)
And with old times i wouldn't go too far behind like with egyptians having their sales announcments written on a piece of papyrus... Let's stick to 50's to 60's a few decades after the tv was made ( thanks to John Logie Bard ) but before the cable television was invented. The times when you wanted to skip the commercial you actually had to get you fat ass out of the comfortable chair that was smelling of sweat and food left-overs and press the damn button and then go all the way back to the chair and hope that there woulnd't be another commercial any time soon.
Commercials / commercial television as such was carried out in the early 50's so that's the start of all the yet-seemed to be-innocent started to jump and the tv show's were mainly sponsored by one company therby ending up with the sponsor nearly "running" all the show only until few years later until "DuMont Television Network" come up with a great idea to sell the advertisment time to multiple sponsors and ensuring to have the show more or less as it's supposed to be..
Continuing with geeky stuff here
Only ten years later in early 60's companies really started to invest some serious amount of the damn dollars to reserach the consumer behavior and action towards a certain product or service.
So my mom also didn't escaped the time of people staring to be in influenced in a serious way in certain direction into buying / visiting / consuming all sorts of things and crap.
Just thought you would like to no some facts about my mother..
So from that time on, continuing with the explosion of cable tv and the MTV, to "dot com" boom in the 90's with all the companies going online to the "gorrila marketing" which is basically a stickers and graffitty type of a advertisment and is more for small businesses.. lets just say that "McDonalds "
wouldn't prefer this type of a marketing strategy.
For the ending part-
As every fashion trend, new style of pants or a brand new t-shirt has already been popular, it has just repeated from the history. Light blue straight jeans was so 80's and is ok to wear now again. The advertisment has already begun to turn back in the times when everything seemed to be nice and harmless and smoking was healthy, at specially for woman.
Only now the people have gotten way smarter and are asking too many question and looking for too many answers about everthing including "the thing" they're about to consume, and have a tv'remote that can easily skip the add in no time.
So the add guys have to push more on the emotional side by creating commercials that are not only great advertisment strategies employed in a piece of video but will grab your emotions by the balls.
And i love it.
p.s. a great example of a great add here. Not an old days one though.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 26. septembris
Or how ever you write this mighty call, but after 7 more visits my awesome blog will have be seen 5000 times. This is something incredible. Why how, and why people do want to read this pieces of uncontinues, random and not always sense making posts.
So i admit that i've pretty much failed writing this blog as a one solid piece of a certain information to keep to maintain the blog as great source of valid information and endless well of inspiration.
At least that's how i would define, what the blog is meant to be in my case.
FAIL - SHARE IT! That's one of very many things i've picked up from the awesome/wise man Gunter Pauli.
So i did. Now what?
Having the new awesome determination. Write a blog posta a week. Make it nice, beautiful, reasonable, informational, and filled with a lots of very smart-ass words that i wouldn't use on a daily bases.
Changing theme/subject/socks on a weekly + you all have a great chance to make a suggestion for a story.
Either it's a question, "why does horses do not like to drink dark beer" or you would like to find out "how will the raising taxes influence my new: hamster-wallpapers-for-elderly-houses business" just drop (or better try to write it) your issue at my awesome motivational facebook pag or drop a comment here in blogger.
Will start with the first blog post from the 7th of October by choosing the coolest topic. In case of only one subject suggested i'll choose that one and i will personally send you a thank you letter for saving this new awesome experiment i've started + a nice surprise! Aaand a might even a picture will be taken and posted with the lucky awesome person.
Soon there should be incredibly nice stickers - available free for all the contributors.
1. You have the chance to see how this awesome media is connceted and how greatly it works all together.
2. Because I said so.
3. You have a chance to learn how to write a blog post by a given topic. (By looking at mine)
4. There is not so much interesting stuff going on, on facebook anyway.
5. You can save an online attention starving person from hunger.
6. It's just awesome to engage in everything new and super cool.
7. Your mother will be even more proud of you.
8. It will inspire another people do amazing things like this.
9. You do not want to read anymore of the reason of "why?"
10. Hotdog does not tastes so good with only mustard in it.
11. You are a great person.
For all those cool people with short memory: http://www.facebook.com/monkeyhasbanana
Write an idea. Get a present :)
And the duck says peace !
So i admit that i've pretty much failed writing this blog as a one solid piece of a certain information to keep to maintain the blog as great source of valid information and endless well of inspiration.
At least that's how i would define, what the blog is meant to be in my case.
FAIL - SHARE IT! That's one of very many things i've picked up from the awesome/wise man Gunter Pauli.
So i did. Now what?
Having the new awesome determination. Write a blog posta a week. Make it nice, beautiful, reasonable, informational, and filled with a lots of very smart-ass words that i wouldn't use on a daily bases.
Changing theme/subject/socks on a weekly + you all have a great chance to make a suggestion for a story.
Either it's a question, "why does horses do not like to drink dark beer" or you would like to find out "how will the raising taxes influence my new: hamster-wallpapers-for-elderly-houses business" just drop (or better try to write it) your issue at my awesome motivational facebook pag or drop a comment here in blogger.
Will start with the first blog post from the 7th of October by choosing the coolest topic. In case of only one subject suggested i'll choose that one and i will personally send you a thank you letter for saving this new awesome experiment i've started + a nice surprise! Aaand a might even a picture will be taken and posted with the lucky awesome person.
Soon there should be incredibly nice stickers - available free for all the contributors.
1. You have the chance to see how this awesome media is connceted and how greatly it works all together.
2. Because I said so.
3. You have a chance to learn how to write a blog post by a given topic. (By looking at mine)
4. There is not so much interesting stuff going on, on facebook anyway.
5. You can save an online attention starving person from hunger.
6. It's just awesome to engage in everything new and super cool.
7. Your mother will be even more proud of you.
8. It will inspire another people do amazing things like this.
9. You do not want to read anymore of the reason of "why?"
10. Hotdog does not tastes so good with only mustard in it.
11. You are a great person.
For all those cool people with short memory: http://www.facebook.com/monkeyhasbanana
Write an idea. Get a present :)
And the duck says peace !
otrdiena, 2012. gada 11. septembris
And once again
A small return, a tiny victory, or more like a success of unrolling a blogs string from the clew of my yet unstructured / random but awesome life.
I can image this blog becoming something more of a Forbes magazine or any other once-a-month self-called fancy magazines.
From the covers that are to be in frames. Paragraphs filled with wisdom that just sparks throughout the words. Eeach page takes your and moment just to see how wonderful it's not only by it's cotext but also looks.
There. That could be my blog in a near future.
More of a weekly made updates about the extraordinary huge amounts of work/experience and fun i've manage to compress into 7th given days.
Only i would need an assistent with ability to write/speak in english and take nice pictures (and would work for food or even better. Would accept salary as a big and warm "Thank you" at the end of Every week).
Oh, yes and also you should have a great ability to find go-card. Cause that is one of the reasons i live.
To collect them and put up on my wall.
So far it looks like this:
So far so good, but never enough. As Steve Jobs would say: "Stay hungry, stay foolish" and i am pretty hungry when it comes to these cards.
As the great musician (at least the Blue print 3 was a great album) Jay-z would say. "I don't be in a project hallway talking 'bout how i been in a project all day."
So for some nice work, will let you know as soon as the wind blows.
p.s. Couldn't come up with anything that funny for the last sentence, or even something that would make sense either.
I can image this blog becoming something more of a Forbes magazine or any other once-a-month self-called fancy magazines.
From the covers that are to be in frames. Paragraphs filled with wisdom that just sparks throughout the words. Eeach page takes your and moment just to see how wonderful it's not only by it's cotext but also looks.
There. That could be my blog in a near future.
More of a weekly made updates about the extraordinary huge amounts of work/experience and fun i've manage to compress into 7th given days.
Only i would need an assistent with ability to write/speak in english and take nice pictures (and would work for food or even better. Would accept salary as a big and warm "Thank you" at the end of Every week).
Oh, yes and also you should have a great ability to find go-card. Cause that is one of the reasons i live.
To collect them and put up on my wall.
So far it looks like this:
So far so good, but never enough. As Steve Jobs would say: "Stay hungry, stay foolish" and i am pretty hungry when it comes to these cards.
As the great musician (at least the Blue print 3 was a great album) Jay-z would say. "I don't be in a project hallway talking 'bout how i been in a project all day."
So for some nice work, will let you know as soon as the wind blows.
p.s. Couldn't come up with anything that funny for the last sentence, or even something that would make sense either.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 29. augusts
Expensive cutlary.
A lot of great things ruined, overtaken or more like overwhelmed with (stupid) bullshit. This time talking about the wonderful internet universe.
Starting from the twitter that was originally made for a simple and great purpose, for people to exchange with short, important, valid messages has grown into some your mini-blogs, extremely often life updates about shit, they themselves don't even care.
12:22 "Going to the shop to buy some cerials"
12:25 "Will probably buy the crunchy color rings"
12:31 "My dog just made a funny face"
12:43 "Back from the shop, but forgot milk"
Ooooh my goodness. How, why, why would you even do that? It is "meaningless or without practical value" quoting the urban dictionary for what does "stupid bullshit" means.
But it is everywhere, and nearly everwhere is sending all this crap information forward and forward.
Facebook, blogger, youtube, so many "news" sites, and a special site for this crap- 9gag that at least gathers ajority of this junk in one place. Damn. It just frustrating when you have to (cause i am such a cool person and that's the only reason) spend at least 8 hours a day in front of this screen, and facing all this crap daily you seem to get only dumber and dumber, by being nearly drawning in this useless piles of information.
How would it be possible to not get in contact with all this unpleasentness or reduce it to minimum?
That's smells like a life-time project to somebody.
Starting from the twitter that was originally made for a simple and great purpose, for people to exchange with short, important, valid messages has grown into some your mini-blogs, extremely often life updates about shit, they themselves don't even care.
12:22 "Going to the shop to buy some cerials"
12:25 "Will probably buy the crunchy color rings"
12:31 "My dog just made a funny face"
12:43 "Back from the shop, but forgot milk"
Ooooh my goodness. How, why, why would you even do that? It is "meaningless or without practical value" quoting the urban dictionary for what does "stupid bullshit" means.
But it is everywhere, and nearly everwhere is sending all this crap information forward and forward.
Facebook, blogger, youtube, so many "news" sites, and a special site for this crap- 9gag that at least gathers ajority of this junk in one place. Damn. It just frustrating when you have to (cause i am such a cool person and that's the only reason) spend at least 8 hours a day in front of this screen, and facing all this crap daily you seem to get only dumber and dumber, by being nearly drawning in this useless piles of information.
How would it be possible to not get in contact with all this unpleasentness or reduce it to minimum?
That's smells like a life-time project to somebody.
otrdiena, 2012. gada 28. augusts
Strawberry Jam.
Another delighful page with a subtle story, that will bring you into a fabolous journey throught my thoughtful and breathtaking point of view of:
For now i would like to underline thise "lacking purpose and positive contribution".
That is something i could really see not only among the classmates i'm with, workplace i'm working at and social event i'm attending but also myself about 2 years ago. Everything i did was just a stupid bullshit. Relationship with nearly no positive contribution, lacking purpose/direction of life (that's why i ended up in Denmark) + lacking values. Took what i was facing, eat what i had given and drank all the crap that would have been poured into by glass.
Looking back i thank God, that it's been changed. Now i can clearly see how the "no-opinion generation" is created. With guys like that (me a while ago), who are not forced to face, challanges, consider option, express opinions everything what they will be able to put out for the future will be just a big and smelly stack of stupid bullshit.
And one of the resons it's been cause could be modernisation, when people has to have, have to get everything much faster and better without knowing the source where it comes from and without any knowledge how to handle things. No experimantations, no experience, no failing and learning.
Also a big part of it plays the role of our childhood-teenage years that we're stuck in this institution- school. Here's a great video showing other points of view how the education is still in the roots since it's been established and what are the possible ways to change it. I guess all this teaching system, and school environment has to be pulled out like a tree, and planted in a new soil.
Meaning that it would still have the same roots, the same purpose to educating next generation creators, but with a different basis, different concept of how the teaching should be, must be implemented.
p.s. Seems i haven't kept my promise to mind my use of inappropriate words in this post. I truly hope the blogfather will forgive me, my sins.
Stupid Bullshit:
Anything completely lacking in value, purpose, and lacking a positive contribution to the matter at hand. As 'bullshit' or 'b.s.' is usually used to denote something as meaningless or without practical value, stupid adds more derision.
Real life example: Jerry's ex-old lady came over and started a bunch of stupid bullshit, man.
For now i would like to underline thise "lacking purpose and positive contribution".
That is something i could really see not only among the classmates i'm with, workplace i'm working at and social event i'm attending but also myself about 2 years ago. Everything i did was just a stupid bullshit. Relationship with nearly no positive contribution, lacking purpose/direction of life (that's why i ended up in Denmark) + lacking values. Took what i was facing, eat what i had given and drank all the crap that would have been poured into by glass.
Looking back i thank God, that it's been changed. Now i can clearly see how the "no-opinion generation" is created. With guys like that (me a while ago), who are not forced to face, challanges, consider option, express opinions everything what they will be able to put out for the future will be just a big and smelly stack of stupid bullshit.
And one of the resons it's been cause could be modernisation, when people has to have, have to get everything much faster and better without knowing the source where it comes from and without any knowledge how to handle things. No experimantations, no experience, no failing and learning.
Also a big part of it plays the role of our childhood-teenage years that we're stuck in this institution- school. Here's a great video showing other points of view how the education is still in the roots since it's been established and what are the possible ways to change it. I guess all this teaching system, and school environment has to be pulled out like a tree, and planted in a new soil.
Meaning that it would still have the same roots, the same purpose to educating next generation creators, but with a different basis, different concept of how the teaching should be, must be implemented.
p.s. Seems i haven't kept my promise to mind my use of inappropriate words in this post. I truly hope the blogfather will forgive me, my sins.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 27. augusts
Will be this weeks theme indeed.
I mean nearly every stand up comedian has had a joke about stupid bullsh*t or stupid poeple talking this bullcrap.
Isn't that just incredibly correct how often actually we face some idiotism in our lives? It's just been so much cultivated in our daily life that we do not even consider / pay attention to these kind of things.
I happen to have to step a bit back and mention some advertising crap. (Well most of the people who are not interested in this business might see these words very normal to be together. "Advertising" and "crap", but this is truly one of the cases )
The soda water "7up", had this campaign about 60 years ago, when they braged that 11 months year old kid, is not at all their youngest target audience member. Like for real nig*a? For real? Further we go, more interesting the story envolves. The campaign encourage mom's to mix the milk with with "7up" in doze of 50 to 50, so it would be even healthier. God damn. A line from the campaign says as follows: "You can even give it to your baby, and feel good about it"...
That's just some load of shit, on top of some more shit.
And besides, that it's incredible how those guys got this campaign running. They actually got it to be a success story, meaning that they managed to pull down this loads of crap, through the throught of all these amazignly blind and stupid people.
I do have to apollogise for the inappropriate language used in this post, but come on. Come on.
Promise to behave for the next post.
I mean nearly every stand up comedian has had a joke about stupid bullsh*t or stupid poeple talking this bullcrap.
Isn't that just incredibly correct how often actually we face some idiotism in our lives? It's just been so much cultivated in our daily life that we do not even consider / pay attention to these kind of things.
I happen to have to step a bit back and mention some advertising crap. (Well most of the people who are not interested in this business might see these words very normal to be together. "Advertising" and "crap", but this is truly one of the cases )
The soda water "7up", had this campaign about 60 years ago, when they braged that 11 months year old kid, is not at all their youngest target audience member. Like for real nig*a? For real? Further we go, more interesting the story envolves. The campaign encourage mom's to mix the milk with with "7up" in doze of 50 to 50, so it would be even healthier. God damn. A line from the campaign says as follows: "You can even give it to your baby, and feel good about it"...
That's just some load of shit, on top of some more shit.
And besides, that it's incredible how those guys got this campaign running. They actually got it to be a success story, meaning that they managed to pull down this loads of crap, through the throught of all these amazignly blind and stupid people.
I do have to apollogise for the inappropriate language used in this post, but come on. Come on.
Promise to behave for the next post.
svētdiena, 2012. gada 26. augusts
We all live in a yellow tree.
It makes your food taste better, your kitchen knife seem to cut better, yourself smell better. That's the awesomeness of advertising, that most of us never think of. And that's why it's so easy to trick so many poeple into buying, visiting, looking at all your crap.
Only because it looks good, or has this catchy fraze, that you can no possible refuse to investigate more after facing it once.
Let's take tea bags for instance. Nothing very special (for more soicy topic you can check "tea baging") but inovative design and a bit of out of the box thinking tag line, would greatly increase chance of your product to be on the top of the game.

This is just a regular ugly package. Only reason you would ever buy it, because it's even cheaper than beer in Latvia and you would like to trick yourself of drinking a tea.
But something like this. Damn. oh my Lord, it's that pretty, that first of all you would give to your grandmother as a present because it's so pretty and after 2,5 years when someone will take it off the shelf to sweap off the dust, realize that it is actually a tea package..
Only because it looks good, or has this catchy fraze, that you can no possible refuse to investigate more after facing it once.
Let's take tea bags for instance. Nothing very special (for more soicy topic you can check "tea baging") but inovative design and a bit of out of the box thinking tag line, would greatly increase chance of your product to be on the top of the game.

This is just a regular ugly package. Only reason you would ever buy it, because it's even cheaper than beer in Latvia and you would like to trick yourself of drinking a tea.

If you do understand this no so sophiscticated information, you could see that the good looking one is also way more simple. A bit more cleverness, and everbody will live in a better world. Or even more poeple will be tricked into buying crap.
I guess we'll also end with the adverstisment topic for now, and start a new week, with some cool sh*t.
I can not really image a sh*t that is cool myself, but we'll find out that in nearest future :)
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 23. augusts
When you too f*cked up!
That's not even a question anymore, that getting in creative business is more and more sophisticated. Stairs of creativity in advertising and other related businesses are high enough to to get to the moon and back. Just by thinking outside the box is already a yesterday talk, there has to be "wwooaw".
As difficult as to create a new campaign it extremely difficult to re-make an existing one. One of the greatest examples, most of you probably know is Old Spice. How did this "my grandfather uses this and i never even want to smell it" deodorant brand, got nearly 7 million view, 24 hours after launching the campaign, and now attracted all even my age guys to buy that crap.
One thing that it's made by one of the best companies and my favourite "w+k" but the trick or kind of a mind f*ck they did, was to targeted the campaign of the product that's meant to be for male, to female. Doing something completely opposite. In this case cause they assumed that most of the shopping is done by the ladies that Isaiah Mustafa is talking to through out all the commercial and hoping that the ladies would buy Old Spice for their man as they have seen the commercial.
Simple and genius. That's how the world should be..
Maybe i should try to give the second breath to Hugh Hefner and his lovely ladies magazine Playboy.
It has lost the charm and intimity by all the modersnism around as and internet porn. (For more information about internet porn check "Family guy episode 2, from season 8")
What could give the old "Playboy magazine" some fresh colors? Campaign targeting woman might not work this time, cause i'm not sure, if this magazine would be on the top of their grocery list, but a little sneaky old-school look a like commercials could work.
Maybe make nearly a super fancy magazine, old look, new breeze.. Would be one of those things for hipsters, but hey in everyone there is a little hipster inside, so it should work.
As difficult as to create a new campaign it extremely difficult to re-make an existing one. One of the greatest examples, most of you probably know is Old Spice. How did this "my grandfather uses this and i never even want to smell it" deodorant brand, got nearly 7 million view, 24 hours after launching the campaign, and now attracted all even my age guys to buy that crap.
One thing that it's made by one of the best companies and my favourite "w+k" but the trick or kind of a mind f*ck they did, was to targeted the campaign of the product that's meant to be for male, to female. Doing something completely opposite. In this case cause they assumed that most of the shopping is done by the ladies that Isaiah Mustafa is talking to through out all the commercial and hoping that the ladies would buy Old Spice for their man as they have seen the commercial.
Simple and genius. That's how the world should be..
Maybe i should try to give the second breath to Hugh Hefner and his lovely ladies magazine Playboy.
It has lost the charm and intimity by all the modersnism around as and internet porn. (For more information about internet porn check "Family guy episode 2, from season 8")
What could give the old "Playboy magazine" some fresh colors? Campaign targeting woman might not work this time, cause i'm not sure, if this magazine would be on the top of their grocery list, but a little sneaky old-school look a like commercials could work.
Maybe make nearly a super fancy magazine, old look, new breeze.. Would be one of those things for hipsters, but hey in everyone there is a little hipster inside, so it should work.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 22. augusts
Ja, ja, ja
No post, no cookies.
I guess that the overall picture of this awesome blog writer could be- promises of oftenly update blog, and now also a weekly subjects, but nothing ever last for long enough to satisfy my own urge to get better at this writting thing, putting words on a paper, getting the thoughts out..
So if You, my future employer, are reading this you know that i'm not lazy, just one of those talented poor kids. One of those who has the will to do stuff, change, turn and explore the world around myself and every one else, but have to spend a lot of free time scrubbing some kitchen floor to give the angry flat owner some money in return to be able to have a roof above the head.
Hope it will change soon, so you can see what i can do.
mmh, now there's school ahead and i haven't figured out how, when and what will i write, but most probably we'll continue with weekly subjects.
Yes, yes man, we will do that.
We left the advertisment half way done last time, so we'll continue on that and then have something extremely awesome for the next week.
To draw more attention to this post i will just post a colorful picture, that should trick your mind to stick to this for a second longer (:
I guess that the overall picture of this awesome blog writer could be- promises of oftenly update blog, and now also a weekly subjects, but nothing ever last for long enough to satisfy my own urge to get better at this writting thing, putting words on a paper, getting the thoughts out..
So if You, my future employer, are reading this you know that i'm not lazy, just one of those talented poor kids. One of those who has the will to do stuff, change, turn and explore the world around myself and every one else, but have to spend a lot of free time scrubbing some kitchen floor to give the angry flat owner some money in return to be able to have a roof above the head.
Hope it will change soon, so you can see what i can do.
mmh, now there's school ahead and i haven't figured out how, when and what will i write, but most probably we'll continue with weekly subjects.
Yes, yes man, we will do that.
We left the advertisment half way done last time, so we'll continue on that and then have something extremely awesome for the next week.
To draw more attention to this post i will just post a colorful picture, that should trick your mind to stick to this for a second longer (:
trešdiena, 2012. gada 8. augusts
That extra something.
Every great commercial / advertisement has always had that something little more than others, that extra secret ingredient to make commercial tasty enough for every hungry consumer.
One of the main bridges to build to ensure the connection between relations from company to a customer is to show something new, exciting and innovative. "Omg, this is so cool, i have never seen anything like that" - should be an average "youtubers" comment after seeing an ad.
Taking the same old concepts, putting them in new frames and the other way around.
A company i really admire and want to be a part of one day: wieden+kennedy !! Incredibly nice ideas, great concepts of the values and believes in the company and remarkable outcome - commercials.
This companies "extra something" starts with the inside, as it always should be.
As Kennedy mentioned in the documentary about advertising "we are like a high school with a lot of money" meaning that they never stop experimenting, making it a failure (+ one of the office walls has a huge installation saying "Fail Harder" ) safe place, from where great ideas comes from.
So one of the advices, is to create a safe environment, where no major harm can be cause and let the game begin.
Not saying that you'll get Madison Avenue level high if this one advice will be taken in consideration, but will surely give a great outcome, besides the great fun of making it. !
One of the main bridges to build to ensure the connection between relations from company to a customer is to show something new, exciting and innovative. "Omg, this is so cool, i have never seen anything like that" - should be an average "youtubers" comment after seeing an ad.
Taking the same old concepts, putting them in new frames and the other way around.
A company i really admire and want to be a part of one day: wieden+kennedy !! Incredibly nice ideas, great concepts of the values and believes in the company and remarkable outcome - commercials.
This companies "extra something" starts with the inside, as it always should be.
As Kennedy mentioned in the documentary about advertising "we are like a high school with a lot of money" meaning that they never stop experimenting, making it a failure (+ one of the office walls has a huge installation saying "Fail Harder" ) safe place, from where great ideas comes from.
So one of the advices, is to create a safe environment, where no major harm can be cause and let the game begin.
Not saying that you'll get Madison Avenue level high if this one advice will be taken in consideration, but will surely give a great outcome, besides the great fun of making it. !
otrdiena, 2012. gada 7. augusts
And how about this one?
It is less then inappropriate to say that advertisment is everywhere. And i do mean everywhere. You might be sitting in an empty room and catch yourself humming a song what was in a commercial that you saw a week ago. It was just constantly reminded for you in a subconscious level, be cause the message was so powerful. Or you just really love the "The Edge of glory" by Lady Gaga, and don't even remember it was an interesting google chrome ad.
But taking it down to a local level. Weed smokers. Yes, even all the little, "just got my first joint paper" to "rolling masters" everyone at some point have founded out, where to get the best piece of the "green stuff", "bush", "Texas tea", "grass" or whatever you might call it. Mainly is from word to a word, trusted people gives out the message to people they would trust, making all these small communities around the area, because illegal in Denmark, as in most of the countries it has to be underground, but recently i came across, these 3, dark-skinned guys, who where driving around the district and giving out their "visit cards". Here's one of them.
Never seen anything like that in here, either my home country. These guys could be something like Edward Bernays and his famous breakthrough with promoting woman smoking cigarettes in early 20´s.
Ok, they might not be PR geniuses, but something extraordinary and not yet seen for my eye, it sure was. A cookie for them!
p.s. While i was writing this post, there was a dude whistling from the ground floor towards my neighbor-pot dealer for the next doze. I could have pretended to be the new dealer and through down a bad of grass.. and then get beaten up probably.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 6. augusts
Great success!
Oh it's monday already. Somehow i have happened to skip few days, in this wonderful blog world. Excuses, reasons, apologies.. let's leave them out this time, cause they won't bring any posts back.
Yes, taking this as serious as a Christmas turkey in american movies, so this posts marinade has been prepared for a few days in my head (more in a subconscious level) and will have to juicy, crunchy feeling with.
Ad, advert, advertising. It will truly be this weeks theme, subject, the topic that we will try to twist and turn (shout) and see how greatly remarkable advertising truly is.
Cause for you to understand (feeling like a teacher in a classroom now) more or less the big picture of this "poisoned gas" as George Lois Armstrong, states it in a great piece of documentary "Art&Copy". And no, he's not a singer, but not less impressive in advertising sphere then Louis Armstrong in music writing.
For the start i want to say that it won't be any history-i want to shoot my self - boring, "class". More of a clever, innovative and great pieces will be disposed for you amusement.
Here's a sneak-peak of what i am talking about.
As for the start i would have to sat you down at the this party table of enormous amounts of sophisticated information, but you will get to bite your teeth in a real meat chunk, in a while.
I see you, finger in the nose readers in a while ;)
trešdiena, 2012. gada 1. augusts
Have you ever tried to squeeze a lemon?
To really take it in your hand, try to gather your fingers to form a fist, until the skin will crack and the juice will come out. Not enough to have for Tekila but that's, just one of the ways what to do with lemon when "life" gives you one.
This useless paragraph is more of an comparison with me. As i would be the lemon and work would be the fist or anything else that would press the damn juice out. But, my skin is tougher then a coffin nail, so ain't that happening even though after midnight i will have spend 15 hours by earning some dollars. Or danish kronas, but that doesn't sound as tough and cool.
... One of my flatmates just got back from a holiday trip and we had a talk and cigarette and now i am too excited to write something logical, and that-actually-does-makes-sense stuff. Also a little time pressure, cause i have to be at work very soon.
Is it better to have no post than having a bad post? You tell me.
otrdiena, 2012. gada 31. jūlijs
Mmhm, so?
A place to be. A place to be if you just so much want to mingle with all the shinny lemons - Portland. (USA)
The place filled with creative people and great atmosphere to be a creative artist. Imagine, what i just said. A whole city has an atmosphere of greatness. And all this crap i am assuming only from what the father internet has showed me via moving and still images
how it looks like across this damn ocean. And it looks great. Damn i tell you, it looks great.
But it has to something magical about that place, cause awesome companies such as http://jolbyandfriends.com/ - a great graphic design artists,
http://www.scoutbooks.com/ - awesome notebooks
http://www.wk.com -- all times favourite advertising company has an office there.
http://www.portlandcreativelist.com/ -- those this needs any explanations?
So, just to trying to prove a point that there are some places, where something magical happens. Like, the place i live is massively occupied with a lot of Arabians and all sort of dark skinned people. And it's Denmark i am living. Just another approval why should i get my ass to the Portland, after i do something incredibly cool here.
Not to live an american-bullshit-dream but to be there, cause it would be something i need.
And you magical place is?
Stupid bullshit
The topic of the week: Lemons in a pile.
As i´ve mentioned this little thing that i can kind a notice all this little crap what is going on in around me and everyone else, i also get quite inspired by movies i see and the even more by books i read. It's a-mazing i know.
Ok, i do not know where i was going with this.
As the Topic is lemons in the pile, i would like to compare it with grey people, who's going to school, because they know they will need a job, because society say's so. Being the black boots, because that is how you should look like. Drinking more expensive beer eventhough you do not like, but your friend says so.
I am not a being crazy ass rebel, just by looking around and seeing myself in a mirror, how much of stupid bullshit is going on everywhere.
I am cranky or unsatisfied with mess on the table and every other little thing that does not happens in the way i want to. Could be because i haven't got enough sleep and have been broke for a long period of time, so here's some small vulcano of useless thoughts.
Always be the shiniest lemon in the tree, in any sort of a way, expression or variation. Way would you not rather be better then someone else, or just doing the the one thing you really like?
Do not make your life complicated. It will twist it self in a node ball, badly enough.
svētdiena, 2012. gada 29. jūlijs
I want you to take me out!
You wake up, you have one cigarette left from yesterdays party, nothing special but still kind a nice.
You go out on a balcony a small kid passes by and smile at you, nothing special but still kind a nice.
One of the abilities i have and i will always appreciate: to see all these little small, things that makes your mood just a little better. Self consciousness and living in the present. It fucking aaaawesome it is.
Making a life a bit more meaningful with sharing some facts about frogs farting and incredibly thoughtful pieces of experience and thoughts.
a small post for a small day.
sestdiena, 2012. gada 28. jūlijs
Carrots in a bucket.
An important note. "Blog post missing at the date 27th of July".
The explanation could be compared with Anothy Kiedis, and his life story. As he had incredibly fucked up swing from soberness into falling into an infinite hole of drugs, and the getting out of it, of course he was not able to do his professional duties, and be on the top of the game while being higher then any cloud can reach.
My schedule of flow of life this week has been something like this:
Started out with getting up early do all the important crap and go to work, repeat the same for 3 days, but as the weekend came it changed to working until the sun behind the scene, getting out in the city, drinking until 7. am driving home with a bike.. 2 days like that, and the "schedule" can not merged in enough time, for me to get sober enough and to do all the vital things.
t is terrible, it is.. how much of a good time i had, so my regret holes are unwillingly being patch with a pieces of good memories and vibes that the beats and consumed alcohol had given. Same thing happening also tonight? You tell me. I guess i have waken a "Yes Man" into myself accepting, and agreeing to do everything possible, from serious work to social events, or that's just how i am trying to curve my backbone out again, by not admitting the weakness of my character.
Getting back to the "frog fart" subject as it is the weeks topic, i would like to mention this.
As far as hill-billy kids the only or one of very rare things for an excitement could be to stare at a frog all day long until it farts and then be happy to the bone of just experienced, i experienced something similar yesterday.
Not looking at a frog and waiting it to fart, but more of an rare bit of excitement crossed my heart when i actually convinced two girls to kiss. And i mean Kiss, like "put the tongue in each others mouth" kiss. And i was just standing there with my beer and cigarette and being all happy just like a hill-billy kid seeing a frog that just farted.
And i did not do anything else of course, because i do have a girlfriend, and she might be reading this post, so of course i only stayed in the back of the scene and enjoyed the show.
+ all this frog fart topic is more of a challenge to me, to see how could i twist and turn multiple topic and blending them together with having such a fucked up theme.
That's all folks. Have a day filled with bread crumbs and milk.
The explanation could be compared with Anothy Kiedis, and his life story. As he had incredibly fucked up swing from soberness into falling into an infinite hole of drugs, and the getting out of it, of course he was not able to do his professional duties, and be on the top of the game while being higher then any cloud can reach.
My schedule of flow of life this week has been something like this:
Started out with getting up early do all the important crap and go to work, repeat the same for 3 days, but as the weekend came it changed to working until the sun behind the scene, getting out in the city, drinking until 7. am driving home with a bike.. 2 days like that, and the "schedule" can not merged in enough time, for me to get sober enough and to do all the vital things.
t is terrible, it is.. how much of a good time i had, so my regret holes are unwillingly being patch with a pieces of good memories and vibes that the beats and consumed alcohol had given. Same thing happening also tonight? You tell me. I guess i have waken a "Yes Man" into myself accepting, and agreeing to do everything possible, from serious work to social events, or that's just how i am trying to curve my backbone out again, by not admitting the weakness of my character.
Getting back to the "frog fart" subject as it is the weeks topic, i would like to mention this.
As far as hill-billy kids the only or one of very rare things for an excitement could be to stare at a frog all day long until it farts and then be happy to the bone of just experienced, i experienced something similar yesterday.
Not looking at a frog and waiting it to fart, but more of an rare bit of excitement crossed my heart when i actually convinced two girls to kiss. And i mean Kiss, like "put the tongue in each others mouth" kiss. And i was just standing there with my beer and cigarette and being all happy just like a hill-billy kid seeing a frog that just farted.
And i did not do anything else of course, because i do have a girlfriend, and she might be reading this post, so of course i only stayed in the back of the scene and enjoyed the show.
+ all this frog fart topic is more of a challenge to me, to see how could i twist and turn multiple topic and blending them together with having such a fucked up theme.
That's all folks. Have a day filled with bread crumbs and milk.
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 26. jūlijs
God dag
добрый день
dzień dobry
guten Tag
So i have said greetings to all the main target audiences that are reading this awesome sauce i'm boiling daily. Cause it is a way how to make everyone of you feel very special and welcomed here.
Or maybe that is just one of google tricks to make up some fake statistics so a beginner bloger like me would have such a high hopes growing this huge audience while there is no one behind the other side of the screen.
But we never know, it´s something like a frog fart, that most people do not really think about it cause it just is too silly and unimportant to waste your precious time to think of, but it actually is there. Frogs are farting, and google is cheating. Or maybe not talking about google exactly but big cooperation in general.
Can't write anything bad about google you know... otherwise this could be my last blog post, or my blog would just be erased from the system in no time. Just after i press the "to publish" button.
Advice you to watch "Food inc". It will open your eyes, and broaden your horizonts in matter of the food you choose to buy and eat afterwards. It didn't change my menu for 180 degrees right after i watch it, but it sure is giving you the second thought, about all the little chicken wings your putting in your mouth.
Might start to write longer posts, like half a book, every time, but hey, your fingers won't get tired, cause there's no pages to turn here. [lamejoke.com]
добрый день
dzień dobry
guten Tag
So i have said greetings to all the main target audiences that are reading this awesome sauce i'm boiling daily. Cause it is a way how to make everyone of you feel very special and welcomed here.
Or maybe that is just one of google tricks to make up some fake statistics so a beginner bloger like me would have such a high hopes growing this huge audience while there is no one behind the other side of the screen.
But we never know, it´s something like a frog fart, that most people do not really think about it cause it just is too silly and unimportant to waste your precious time to think of, but it actually is there. Frogs are farting, and google is cheating. Or maybe not talking about google exactly but big cooperation in general.
Can't write anything bad about google you know... otherwise this could be my last blog post, or my blog would just be erased from the system in no time. Just after i press the "to publish" button.
Advice you to watch "Food inc". It will open your eyes, and broaden your horizonts in matter of the food you choose to buy and eat afterwards. It didn't change my menu for 180 degrees right after i watch it, but it sure is giving you the second thought, about all the little chicken wings your putting in your mouth.
Might start to write longer posts, like half a book, every time, but hey, your fingers won't get tired, cause there's no pages to turn here. [lamejoke.com]
trešdiena, 2012. gada 25. jūlijs
Straight forward and back again.
About the greater good, how to put a great thing in a great place. To implement the concept and values of a great organization into an organization that actually has a great purpose.
Wouldn't that just bee insanely awesome? Yes it would. Thanks to myself for answering this intriguing question.
I just watched a very smart person (someone else but me) talking about motivation, and at the end of the video he stated that people also Are Purpose maximisers a thing we have to do is to start treating each other equal human beings rather than work forces, so the working environment would be satisfying and besides the money (that would be fairly payed what is also a part of developing from work force to an employee) people would just start to focus more on their jobs. + if you would do an experiment and give employees a day free to do their own stuff, magical things could happen that they've never thought of creating, being a part of.
As simple as that.
As simple as that it is, how incredibly boring my last few post have been. But i guess that is what i understand with a serious blogger? "No it will not continue this way" as he screamed in his thoughts and hit the keys more aggressive than needed to brake the peace in the quite and calm wednesday morning apartment.
I have ruined my own mood just because i was thinking that i might not succeed in one of the great summer plans i have.
Damn, that´s stupid, isn't it? (laughing smiley)
See your mom.
Wouldn't that just bee insanely awesome? Yes it would. Thanks to myself for answering this intriguing question.
I just watched a very smart person (someone else but me) talking about motivation, and at the end of the video he stated that people also Are Purpose maximisers a thing we have to do is to start treating each other equal human beings rather than work forces, so the working environment would be satisfying and besides the money (that would be fairly payed what is also a part of developing from work force to an employee) people would just start to focus more on their jobs. + if you would do an experiment and give employees a day free to do their own stuff, magical things could happen that they've never thought of creating, being a part of.
As simple as that.
As simple as that it is, how incredibly boring my last few post have been. But i guess that is what i understand with a serious blogger? "No it will not continue this way" as he screamed in his thoughts and hit the keys more aggressive than needed to brake the peace in the quite and calm wednesday morning apartment.
I have ruined my own mood just because i was thinking that i might not succeed in one of the great summer plans i have.
Damn, that´s stupid, isn't it? (laughing smiley)
See your mom.
otrdiena, 2012. gada 24. jūlijs
Bottle or two.
So a duck fart was made from, bla, bla, bla and Crown Royal.
And as appears it has a quite a society out there. At least on facebook it´s more than a million people liking it, and what about all the hundreds of thousands of grandpas who do not even know what the internet is, just what a truly fine bottle of whisky is.
But damn, everything about this society thing seems to be so ridicilous.
Lets start with the slogan from of their alcohol experts : "connect people with that magical moment of truth when they experience true joy through taste"
i would say that about a big glass of strawberry and apple cocktail.
There is a fishing contest, but you don't actually need to catch a single fish or get out your comfortable sofa-chair to participate.
Make a special bag with your own desire for the bottle.
Of course you can find an expert to tell you about what would be the best choice of taste right for you..
And, and you can state your Hero, so a whisky brand wants you to find a Hero, either a fireman, local policeman a volunteer? I think that they have had the chance to be heros, because they´ve been as far as possible from a bottle to do that.
Now don't get me wrong. I wouldn't bee the one who could judge people who consumes alcohol, cause i am still in my young years and that's what i do more then needed, but the system or the society of the alcohol has just fired me up. I do realize that all these things are made in order to gain the biggest profit possible, but come one. These kind of a values should be more for a "save a homeless pet" site, or "lets help kids with no parents" organizations no a damn whisky brand.
I mean, they have support center in any direction in USA you need, you can win prizes if you participate in a contest where you have to do nearly nothing, state your hero?? Really?
One thing we can do is to learn from this company how to gain such a success and put it in a way better concept.
And as appears it has a quite a society out there. At least on facebook it´s more than a million people liking it, and what about all the hundreds of thousands of grandpas who do not even know what the internet is, just what a truly fine bottle of whisky is.
But damn, everything about this society thing seems to be so ridicilous.
Lets start with the slogan from of their alcohol experts : "connect people with that magical moment of truth when they experience true joy through taste"
i would say that about a big glass of strawberry and apple cocktail.
There is a fishing contest, but you don't actually need to catch a single fish or get out your comfortable sofa-chair to participate.
Make a special bag with your own desire for the bottle.
Of course you can find an expert to tell you about what would be the best choice of taste right for you..
And, and you can state your Hero, so a whisky brand wants you to find a Hero, either a fireman, local policeman a volunteer? I think that they have had the chance to be heros, because they´ve been as far as possible from a bottle to do that.
Now don't get me wrong. I wouldn't bee the one who could judge people who consumes alcohol, cause i am still in my young years and that's what i do more then needed, but the system or the society of the alcohol has just fired me up. I do realize that all these things are made in order to gain the biggest profit possible, but come one. These kind of a values should be more for a "save a homeless pet" site, or "lets help kids with no parents" organizations no a damn whisky brand.
I mean, they have support center in any direction in USA you need, you can win prizes if you participate in a contest where you have to do nearly nothing, state your hero?? Really?
One thing we can do is to learn from this company how to gain such a success and put it in a way better concept.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 23. jūlijs
Mercy to the beast !
This Weeks topic: "DOES A FROG FARTS?"
the answer i cam across was quite well explained i must say.
" Edit Made for explanation, not just an answer: Methane gas is a commonly produced chemical from the breakdown of biological organism and plants in a general course of digestion. this is basically the same in all carbon based lifeforms. As this gas must be released in one way shape or form, any and all carbon based lifeforms will inevitably fart "
That is some bit of quite a fascinating and useful information there.
If frogs doesn it, then snakes probably as well, but you need to be very carefully with them cause When threatened, many snakes produce clear warning sounds. Some hiss, others rattle. But place a Sonoran Coral Snake in the same situation, and the best it can do is fart.
So a farting snake is not a thing you would like to come across at any point.
And the last bit of an extremely important information : a Drink called "duck fart" is needs only 3 ingredients to make it -- A layered drink made of Kahlua, Bailey's Irish cream and Crown Royal.
Pretty awesome aih? You could impress a lot of people in some dress and tie-is-too-tight, snob-ish party with saying that you can make a drink called duck fart.
Get back to you tomorrow with something incredibly amazing.
the answer i cam across was quite well explained i must say.
" Edit Made for explanation, not just an answer: Methane gas is a commonly produced chemical from the breakdown of biological organism and plants in a general course of digestion. this is basically the same in all carbon based lifeforms. As this gas must be released in one way shape or form, any and all carbon based lifeforms will inevitably fart "
That is some bit of quite a fascinating and useful information there.
If frogs doesn it, then snakes probably as well, but you need to be very carefully with them cause When threatened, many snakes produce clear warning sounds. Some hiss, others rattle. But place a Sonoran Coral Snake in the same situation, and the best it can do is fart.
So a farting snake is not a thing you would like to come across at any point.
And the last bit of an extremely important information : a Drink called "duck fart" is needs only 3 ingredients to make it -- A layered drink made of Kahlua, Bailey's Irish cream and Crown Royal.
Pretty awesome aih? You could impress a lot of people in some dress and tie-is-too-tight, snob-ish party with saying that you can make a drink called duck fart.
Get back to you tomorrow with something incredibly amazing.
svētdiena, 2012. gada 22. jūlijs
Scissors for two.
I don't see no point in livin' life that right, so i just take what i can find. /Sabre&Green/
Or do i?
Do you think it can be made fun, to do the things that you really want to but there is no one like you?
Image you want to be a rockstar in a christian school, and you have no option to leave the place? What do you do, how do you make your own little world, bee a black sheep in between the others?
I guess, all i would need would be a room where no one can disturb me and that´s it. And a pack of cigarettes :)
And easy and thoughtful sunday with Question marks as many as hash dealers in the district i live.
So tomorrow we'er starting out with a brand new breath (without an alcohol smell in it for a change), to be on the top of the game, and sharp as a knife made in Japan and start out with some amazingly great post, so prepare a fine cup of coffee and do not eat apple. Makes you fart quite a lot in the morning.
Or do i?
Do you think it can be made fun, to do the things that you really want to but there is no one like you?
Image you want to be a rockstar in a christian school, and you have no option to leave the place? What do you do, how do you make your own little world, bee a black sheep in between the others?
I guess, all i would need would be a room where no one can disturb me and that´s it. And a pack of cigarettes :)
And easy and thoughtful sunday with Question marks as many as hash dealers in the district i live.
So tomorrow we'er starting out with a brand new breath (without an alcohol smell in it for a change), to be on the top of the game, and sharp as a knife made in Japan and start out with some amazingly great post, so prepare a fine cup of coffee and do not eat apple. Makes you fart quite a lot in the morning.
sestdiena, 2012. gada 21. jūlijs
Must write a post!
p.s. I know i that usually you do not start with a postscript at the start of your wonderful message, but as i was stupid enough to write this post, Not save it and close the computer, here are my yesterday thoughts :)
Damn this song is sweet ! Almost as me, but i am not here to brag about myself, everybody knows the level of awesomeness already :)
hah, hangover, beer, McDonalds, broken key and broken self respect towards my own assumption to do all this crazy stuff shit. Alcohol is to be blamed again, or the consequences of using it, that lead to this an unproductive day.
"Grrrhh", he growled in an unsatisfied tone, blaming everyone else but himself about all the universe turning against all the hopes, and wishes and issues turning into problems, and unsolved questions.
Yes, even a sound can mean quite a lot as you see.
Next week we'll start out with a weekly topic about some an extremely important subject that could save people lives, and resolve world-wide problems. Probably something about the cheese or penises.
Damn this song is sweet ! Almost as me, but i am not here to brag about myself, everybody knows the level of awesomeness already :)
hah, hangover, beer, McDonalds, broken key and broken self respect towards my own assumption to do all this crazy stuff shit. Alcohol is to be blamed again, or the consequences of using it, that lead to this an unproductive day.
"Grrrhh", he growled in an unsatisfied tone, blaming everyone else but himself about all the universe turning against all the hopes, and wishes and issues turning into problems, and unsolved questions.
Yes, even a sound can mean quite a lot as you see.
Next week we'll start out with a weekly topic about some an extremely important subject that could save people lives, and resolve world-wide problems. Probably something about the cheese or penises.
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 19. jūlijs
Out of service!
During technical problems we are not able to have a long and sophisticated blog post.
We are very sorry for the unpleasent news but will be back at your service tomorrow!
Have a lemon day :)
We are very sorry for the unpleasent news but will be back at your service tomorrow!
Have a lemon day :)
trešdiena, 2012. gada 18. jūlijs
Fuel for life..
It's just very interesting what kind of objects, elements, things has helped people to brake the ice, came to a new ideas, deal with their problems, and stop smelling..
From "age of enlightment" people gathered in coffee houses, to exchange with their opinions and ideas, to knowdays, when we have a talk with a stranger only because he/she's holding a cigarette. All the way through their has been something that encouraged people to open up, to share and spread the word.
Even though, not the coffee, not cigarette or any other get-together-element is the thing that makes you talk, it creates the correct atmosphere, and the safe environment for these kind of events to happen.
What if we create something new, healthy, funny, that would gather people the same way as in 17th century?
Come to this place with no pants and share your thoughts..? Morning no-pants people unity. Or everybody takes their favourite picture of elephant, and explains why he/she likes it and how can it make your day better / change the world :)
Just think about it.
And now take your finger out of the nose, clean it, and write to your best friend text saying "whoooa man, i saw this really awesome blog post about coffe, and cigarettes n´shit.. didn't understand that much but it was pretty cool "
From "age of enlightment" people gathered in coffee houses, to exchange with their opinions and ideas, to knowdays, when we have a talk with a stranger only because he/she's holding a cigarette. All the way through their has been something that encouraged people to open up, to share and spread the word.
Even though, not the coffee, not cigarette or any other get-together-element is the thing that makes you talk, it creates the correct atmosphere, and the safe environment for these kind of events to happen.
What if we create something new, healthy, funny, that would gather people the same way as in 17th century?
Come to this place with no pants and share your thoughts..? Morning no-pants people unity. Or everybody takes their favourite picture of elephant, and explains why he/she likes it and how can it make your day better / change the world :)
Just think about it.
And now take your finger out of the nose, clean it, and write to your best friend text saying "whoooa man, i saw this really awesome blog post about coffe, and cigarettes n´shit.. didn't understand that much but it was pretty cool "
otrdiena, 2012. gada 17. jūlijs
"And this is where the end Begins!"*
"some serious shit in not so serious matter" The previous sentence could explain more or less how i imagine this blogs development next phase. Probably after 5 years looking back i will be ashamed to the bone how possibly stupid a person express himself, or be like whoooa, i was a genius back them, but will wait for 5 years to see what's gonna happen.
I just want to share my little, funny experience last friday at #creative mornings. Finally i was capable not only to get up this early and bike to the place where the event was supposed to happen but actually find the place as well. (2 weeks ago, i got up at 7.00 biked to city center but couldn't find where the f*ck was the event rolling)
..Besides the free tea, coffee, and huge pieces of freshly baked, delightful chocolate cakes, with a bit of cinnamon in them it was an interesting experience as well. You know that a free food is good food for an eastern europian, so was a bit difficult to take my eyes of it, and focus on the presentation.
But somehow i managed to do that and one of the things that stuck the most in my head was about how simple it is to draw and that we should never be scared of pen and paper when it comes to drawing cause this is all you need to know:
Simple as that.
And if you feel secure enough, then you could try out some more advanced stuff- drawing human faces.
I know it might look scary at the beginning, but no worries, a bit of practice and you will be able to draw this stuff like a champ... ion.
*uuuh, uuh and the title is taken from one of the Dope D.O.D songs if your mom wants to know. Say hi to her from me as well. :)
I just want to share my little, funny experience last friday at #creative mornings. Finally i was capable not only to get up this early and bike to the place where the event was supposed to happen but actually find the place as well. (2 weeks ago, i got up at 7.00 biked to city center but couldn't find where the f*ck was the event rolling)
..Besides the free tea, coffee, and huge pieces of freshly baked, delightful chocolate cakes, with a bit of cinnamon in them it was an interesting experience as well. You know that a free food is good food for an eastern europian, so was a bit difficult to take my eyes of it, and focus on the presentation.
But somehow i managed to do that and one of the things that stuck the most in my head was about how simple it is to draw and that we should never be scared of pen and paper when it comes to drawing cause this is all you need to know:
Simple as that.
And if you feel secure enough, then you could try out some more advanced stuff- drawing human faces.
I know it might look scary at the beginning, but no worries, a bit of practice and you will be able to draw this stuff like a champ... ion.
*uuuh, uuh and the title is taken from one of the Dope D.O.D songs if your mom wants to know. Say hi to her from me as well. :)
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 16. jūlijs
Trees are not staring at you.
It is funny how ridiciously stupid my brain works, when it come to money stuff.
Ahh, shit i think i already wrote about that a while ago.
It is funny how ridiciously stupid my post have been like a year ago
Ahh, shit i think i already wrote about that a while ago.
It is funny how ridiciously stupid Anthony, has used drugs, and went to rehab and used drugs again.
And i'm soon to be done with the "Scar Tissue"..
And it is not as funny how i started first 3 paragraphs with the same sentence, but super cool, creative people do not always has to bee incredibly funny, we leave that to comedians.
And i should start to prepare before writing some posts from now one, challenge myself, go a step further, push the limits, and live the life on the edge. Cause that is the one and only way how to achieve something.
A dude who cuts grass a challenge would be to cut the grass and post a tweet a day about how his cutting grass business is working in order to become one of the best ones in this specific are. Or write a book, blog how awesome and how many amazing stuff you can actually do / change with a simple work like that.
Meaning that, it Does Not matters what the f*ck you are doing as long as you are putting all your heart and two fast hands in the work. In case you do not have any hands, then use your feet.. in case you do not have any... You got the point anyway.
Ahh, shit i think i already wrote about that a while ago.
It is funny how ridiciously stupid my post have been like a year ago
Ahh, shit i think i already wrote about that a while ago.
It is funny how ridiciously stupid Anthony, has used drugs, and went to rehab and used drugs again.
And i'm soon to be done with the "Scar Tissue"..
And it is not as funny how i started first 3 paragraphs with the same sentence, but super cool, creative people do not always has to bee incredibly funny, we leave that to comedians.
And i should start to prepare before writing some posts from now one, challenge myself, go a step further, push the limits, and live the life on the edge. Cause that is the one and only way how to achieve something.
A dude who cuts grass a challenge would be to cut the grass and post a tweet a day about how his cutting grass business is working in order to become one of the best ones in this specific are. Or write a book, blog how awesome and how many amazing stuff you can actually do / change with a simple work like that.
Meaning that, it Does Not matters what the f*ck you are doing as long as you are putting all your heart and two fast hands in the work. In case you do not have any hands, then use your feet.. in case you do not have any... You got the point anyway.
svētdiena, 2012. gada 15. jūlijs
Good is good and so let it be.
Damn all this crap what i just wrote is just so damn boring.br />
I just read through all what i had written so far and it seemed to be quite of a useless sh*t. ( if you still want to read it, it's below in between those parentheses i guess you should be very slow, lets say, not to see that, but there are some people like that and i do respect them... So i would have more readers for the blog, even the slow ones :) )
But better watch this video about a squirrel, made my day, could keep you satisfied for a moment as well :)
(Now when i've finished watching Borat, some random youtube clips, and gotten annoyed by an a**hole who's playing music like party loud at 13.20 pm sunday afternoon, when everybody wants to chill, i've suddently gotten hungry and i will go make some lunch now.
Oh yes, forgot about this already, it's been almost an hour, but i'm back now..
Seems stupid that i'm saying i'm back, cause this is not a chat, but who the gives a damn anyway.. Oh, Yes i know. www.good.is They do give a damn, at least that's what they say, and i would say that they are pretty good at giving that damn.
Damn, i've been thinking about a cigarette since i woke up..
But broke, is broke and can't help it. It is just amazing to see how bad can a person (me) handle the money in his hands. When having a bit too much, it's spent in no time. Having nearly no cash, i've lived with no cash for two weeks.. How do we fix that, except contacting a Jewish person? )
p.s.Worst post made so far + i can't get the fucking background off, so i will use the most ugly one, to make it as terrible as possible :)
But better watch this video about a squirrel, made my day, could keep you satisfied for a moment as well :)
(Now when i've finished watching Borat, some random youtube clips, and gotten annoyed by an a**hole who's playing music like party loud at 13.20 pm sunday afternoon, when everybody wants to chill, i've suddently gotten hungry and i will go make some lunch now.
Oh yes, forgot about this already, it's been almost an hour, but i'm back now..
Seems stupid that i'm saying i'm back, cause this is not a chat, but who the gives a damn anyway.. Oh, Yes i know. www.good.is They do give a damn, at least that's what they say, and i would say that they are pretty good at giving that damn.
Damn, i've been thinking about a cigarette since i woke up..
But broke, is broke and can't help it. It is just amazing to see how bad can a person (me) handle the money in his hands. When having a bit too much, it's spent in no time. Having nearly no cash, i've lived with no cash for two weeks.. How do we fix that, except contacting a Jewish person? )
p.s.Worst post made so far + i can't get the fucking background off, so i will use the most ugly one, to make it as terrible as possible :)
sestdiena, 2012. gada 14. jūlijs
2x Zambuka please
Roses are red
Violets are Blue
Vodka costs less
Than dinner for two
/Random FB post/
I think from the "roses are red" series this is the best one if seen so far. It could really be a line from poem book only this one would be "eastern european edition" "EEE" sounds pretty nice actually. I think i´ve just made a new brand here. Just here. Just here on the spot. And i do take the copyrights for that now, so if i will see anyone using it anywhere i will sue him/her for everything they have.. or a bottle of nice russian vodka :)
ooh damn, their is electronic education environment that have already taken it. But you know what they say, once you fell down, you get up and fight again, so i will keep inventing companies names until i will find the incredibly unique one ! RiverCockRiders.. South Window Frog department.. Whip the Dip..
14virginsquerrels.. PostTheHost.. D.I.C.K.S. maybe some of these could work, but you never know.
Life changing advice:
Be loyal as a dog to your breakfast.
#Hangover post number 33.
Violets are Blue
Vodka costs less
Than dinner for two
/Random FB post/
I think from the "roses are red" series this is the best one if seen so far. It could really be a line from poem book only this one would be "eastern european edition" "EEE" sounds pretty nice actually. I think i´ve just made a new brand here. Just here. Just here on the spot. And i do take the copyrights for that now, so if i will see anyone using it anywhere i will sue him/her for everything they have.. or a bottle of nice russian vodka :)
ooh damn, their is electronic education environment that have already taken it. But you know what they say, once you fell down, you get up and fight again, so i will keep inventing companies names until i will find the incredibly unique one ! RiverCockRiders.. South Window Frog department.. Whip the Dip..
14virginsquerrels.. PostTheHost.. D.I.C.K.S. maybe some of these could work, but you never know.
Life changing advice:
Be loyal as a dog to your breakfast.
#Hangover post number 33.
piektdiena, 2012. gada 13. jūlijs
ja, Tak.
I do have an idea more how was Eminems life, or at least the start up where he was working in a warehouse, just to get some cash and get the hell out of the city in "8mile". (Compared to him, cause he's the only famous person i know that has worked in such a institution if you can called it that way)
Nothing very special about the work it self there (lift a box, put in down, when pile done wrap it in plastic) but some of the people made my shifts there more shorter as i do not had headphones with me.
Wait a minute, i do not have headphones, and actually i don't even have any place where to listen to music, cause i lost my phone and my favorite jacket and for the topping of this "desert of solitude" my bike got stolen again :)
But back to those people who work there. There was a dude, called Esmi, or Esti, i have no idea, but his english was between really, really bad, and 0%. And as he was a supervisor for me, and nearly only thing he could say was the word "balance". "You know balance. Box balance. No good, no balance. Ok, this good, balance, yes." Meaning that i had to keep the boxes even and stable, do not let them fall down.
Then their was this dark-skinned guy, who saw that i was doing something wrong and he comes to me and says "Your first time here?" i was like "Yes, what's up?" he just looks around with a worried look and saysa again in his very strong, funny accent "Oh, fuck man, and just walks away".
So i was too lazy to actually think of a very deeps thoughts, so you just had a small brief of how awesome my life is and how much you should try to enjoy the every single God damn moment of your life. Even if it is a warehouse and you do not have any headphones with you.
Nothing very special about the work it self there (lift a box, put in down, when pile done wrap it in plastic) but some of the people made my shifts there more shorter as i do not had headphones with me.
Wait a minute, i do not have headphones, and actually i don't even have any place where to listen to music, cause i lost my phone and my favorite jacket and for the topping of this "desert of solitude" my bike got stolen again :)
But back to those people who work there. There was a dude, called Esmi, or Esti, i have no idea, but his english was between really, really bad, and 0%. And as he was a supervisor for me, and nearly only thing he could say was the word "balance". "You know balance. Box balance. No good, no balance. Ok, this good, balance, yes." Meaning that i had to keep the boxes even and stable, do not let them fall down.
Then their was this dark-skinned guy, who saw that i was doing something wrong and he comes to me and says "Your first time here?" i was like "Yes, what's up?" he just looks around with a worried look and saysa again in his very strong, funny accent "Oh, fuck man, and just walks away".
So i was too lazy to actually think of a very deeps thoughts, so you just had a small brief of how awesome my life is and how much you should try to enjoy the every single God damn moment of your life. Even if it is a warehouse and you do not have any headphones with you.
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 12. jūlijs
The awesome sauce.
You know the feeling when you want to write a blog post, but you also want to listen to music and to smoke a cigarette and eat a small piece more of a bread with jam and do something awesome with your life?
Well i do. Do morning seems to be in quite bright colors. Either it's "Queens" fault or too much sugar in coffee.
Sugar in coffee, hmm, and a cigarette soon, hmm. Sounds like i'm turning into one of those "terrible morning coffee, cigarette, cheese sandwich people" who can ruin your morning quite easily. All it takes is a small chit-chat about breakfast, neighbors annoying dog or global warming or how irritating are people when commenting youtube videos.
I guess i see a designer like that for now, with a cigarette between index and middle finger not with a fresh orange juice and a piece of melon or something what ever very healthy is.
In September it will be 2 years since i pressed a button on a keyboard and posted my great thoughts in this blog. That's just so you would get surprised, "wooooaw a sad easter-europian with no motivation to do one thing at the time actually Can do a thing that would last longer then pigs ejectulation - and it is quite long"
Enough with educational stories from the animal world.
Will share some more next time.
Have an awesome sauce one.
Well i do. Do morning seems to be in quite bright colors. Either it's "Queens" fault or too much sugar in coffee.
Sugar in coffee, hmm, and a cigarette soon, hmm. Sounds like i'm turning into one of those "terrible morning coffee, cigarette, cheese sandwich people" who can ruin your morning quite easily. All it takes is a small chit-chat about breakfast, neighbors annoying dog or global warming or how irritating are people when commenting youtube videos.
I guess i see a designer like that for now, with a cigarette between index and middle finger not with a fresh orange juice and a piece of melon or something what ever very healthy is.
In September it will be 2 years since i pressed a button on a keyboard and posted my great thoughts in this blog. That's just so you would get surprised, "wooooaw a sad easter-europian with no motivation to do one thing at the time actually Can do a thing that would last longer then pigs ejectulation - and it is quite long"
Enough with educational stories from the animal world.
Will share some more next time.
Have an awesome sauce one.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 11. jūlijs
Parasts rits. Neparasts sakums.Parasts rits. Neparasts sakums.
I don't be in the project hallway talking about how i be in the project all day /Jay Z/
This seems to be a problem for me. I do not want to believe that if i will tell about my plans they will somehow fail, but looking back, it has happened for to many times to ignore.And today i did the quite opposite by posting on facebook my plan of the summer, (to earn enough money to get a nice ass camera) so by that it should fail miserably. But IT WILL NOT. Only because i said so.
And i guess it's a lot about "i said so" a lot about telling yourself, convincing yourself not the person next to you about that you are going to make is the shit you have to have an ability of keep rolling forward.
This is small message, a bit of thoughts i wanted to give out to you all, even though you have to learn by your own mistakes its also great to see where other have missed the point and try to avoid that.
Cheers for freakin' past weeeek. Now getting back on the track and looking forward to do some good shit this summer. Hopefully you to.
Have a good one nipple pinch-ers.
This seems to be a problem for me. I do not want to believe that if i will tell about my plans they will somehow fail, but looking back, it has happened for to many times to ignore.And today i did the quite opposite by posting on facebook my plan of the summer, (to earn enough money to get a nice ass camera) so by that it should fail miserably. But IT WILL NOT. Only because i said so.
And i guess it's a lot about "i said so" a lot about telling yourself, convincing yourself not the person next to you about that you are going to make is the shit you have to have an ability of keep rolling forward.
This is small message, a bit of thoughts i wanted to give out to you all, even though you have to learn by your own mistakes its also great to see where other have missed the point and try to avoid that.
Cheers for freakin' past weeeek. Now getting back on the track and looking forward to do some good shit this summer. Hopefully you to.
Have a good one nipple pinch-ers.
otrdiena, 2012. gada 10. jūlijs
The worst is the best !
Hey, hey, hey you there.
As i have survived (ok almost everybody did. RIP sweedish dude who overdosed MDMA) the great Roskilde festival 2012 i would like to share some "tricks and tips" for such a big festival. (Looking through the eyes of an eastern europian)
#1 Even if you have enough money, you have to hitch-hike there alone, to show how crazy you are- therefore you will need to make this:
Marker (more colors - better)
A paper or cardboard if possible
And a bit of artistic skill.
#2 Then in one of the first days you have to get as disgusting as possible (wearing nearly all your best clothes on)
Alcohol (more than you can drink so you'll share it to everybody and then complain afterwards that you have shared but nobody else has)
Good clothes
Food (preferably something smelly, like milk or fish)
Spray color.
#3 When good amounts of alcohol has been consumed you will get horny and luckily stumble upon someone like this guy: (Sign says: Free rape )
Alcohol (already "down the drain")
A willy that IS working
Condoms or luck
Attend a public porno movie alone
Ability to keep you eyes wide open and willy ready to rumble.
#4 When some of the booze is out of the system you will start to have some mental hangover as well, so you will actually be nice enough to go to a shop and buy your own food instead of stealing it.
To be hungry
Money or something you can exchange the food with
#5 As the camera with you is damaged already it's completely fine to bring it around everywhere and then try to figure out where the fuck have you been doing and where.
A crappy camera
Ability to somehow press the button when you even can not hold a cigarette
#6 Yes, yes, as the music plays quite a big role, you should manage to see some great artists at some point as well. And definitely you should run as far and close to the stage as possible, AT SPECIALLY if you do not know the artist that good or at all ( get nearly the same spot as the awesome fans that had been waiting in the qoue for more than 12 hours) listen to one song and then try to get out of the crowd for fucking 20 minutes. In this image you can see Islandic artist Bjørk. Popular, but really, really odd music.
Time when left the audience: 1,5 song.
Not a very big knowledge about the artist on the stage
A friend who´s stupid enough as you are
#7 Let someone draw a piglet on your hairy back:
Sunny weather
A person with awesome pig drawing skills.
#8 Have a picture from a day after the festival, because it rocks to do that.
Bee in the festival a day after it's over
#9 Find a lot of random weird stuff that your not sure what it means, but definitely know that it is something cool.
A camera
A weird "what the fuck it happening there" background
Was awesome, was great. Hope to stop you if you will Knalde also next year.
As i have survived (ok almost everybody did. RIP sweedish dude who overdosed MDMA) the great Roskilde festival 2012 i would like to share some "tricks and tips" for such a big festival. (Looking through the eyes of an eastern europian)
#1 Even if you have enough money, you have to hitch-hike there alone, to show how crazy you are- therefore you will need to make this:
Marker (more colors - better)
A paper or cardboard if possible
And a bit of artistic skill.
#2 Then in one of the first days you have to get as disgusting as possible (wearing nearly all your best clothes on)
Alcohol (more than you can drink so you'll share it to everybody and then complain afterwards that you have shared but nobody else has)
Good clothes
Food (preferably something smelly, like milk or fish)
Spray color.
#3 When good amounts of alcohol has been consumed you will get horny and luckily stumble upon someone like this guy: (Sign says: Free rape )
Alcohol (already "down the drain")
A willy that IS working
Condoms or luck
Attend a public porno movie alone
Ability to keep you eyes wide open and willy ready to rumble.
#4 When some of the booze is out of the system you will start to have some mental hangover as well, so you will actually be nice enough to go to a shop and buy your own food instead of stealing it.
To be hungry
Money or something you can exchange the food with
#5 As the camera with you is damaged already it's completely fine to bring it around everywhere and then try to figure out where the fuck have you been doing and where.
A crappy camera
Ability to somehow press the button when you even can not hold a cigarette
#6 Yes, yes, as the music plays quite a big role, you should manage to see some great artists at some point as well. And definitely you should run as far and close to the stage as possible, AT SPECIALLY if you do not know the artist that good or at all ( get nearly the same spot as the awesome fans that had been waiting in the qoue for more than 12 hours) listen to one song and then try to get out of the crowd for fucking 20 minutes. In this image you can see Islandic artist Bjørk. Popular, but really, really odd music.
Time when left the audience: 1,5 song.
Not a very big knowledge about the artist on the stage
A friend who´s stupid enough as you are
#7 Let someone draw a piglet on your hairy back:
Sunny weather
A person with awesome pig drawing skills.
#8 Have a picture from a day after the festival, because it rocks to do that.
Bee in the festival a day after it's over
#9 Find a lot of random weird stuff that your not sure what it means, but definitely know that it is something cool.
A camera
A weird "what the fuck it happening there" background
Was awesome, was great. Hope to stop you if you will Knalde also next year.
piektdiena, 2012. gada 29. jūnijs
Only half of a whale?
How about a tea spoon of sugar now?
But as a bear has to go for a winter nap, my blog is going in a small power nap, that will last for a week or so. But as you all are already mentally prepared for it, cause i ensured to inform you a day before, no tiers anymore.
Have a very good one everybody there and here - everywhere ! Damn, such a nice rhyme this is :)
Cheeers, and have a good one.
I don't know exactly what is going to be the one good thing but that's what you say in Australia at least, also "That's totally rats dude"
ok enough of my detailed and precise knowledge examples about other nations now.
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 28. jūnijs
Sleeves up, heads down
Slowly preparing everyone on the other side of the screen for a week of solitude and desperate calls for some super awesome blog posts. That is because i'm am leaving this lovely town to attend a crazy a*s Festival in Roskilde, and as it's a week long it means that for a 7-8 days long period there will be no internet access for me.
To compensate that i will have a Real blog post for once in my life describing the situation there, with pictures and all other kinds of crazy sh't :)
I hope your done crying cause there is one more extremely important message to hear. I like oysters. That is awesome isn't it? A little bit of lemon drop, or with a lot of lemon drops and bon apetit ! And i also read this article about hard penises and stuff and i love the oysters even more now. Why should you like oysters? http://www.seekwellness.com/mens_sexuality/good_living.htm
Good food, good livin', good lovin' -- who would not like something like that, right?
Cheers behind elephant ear scratch-ers
trešdiena, 2012. gada 27. jūnijs
Wait a minute or two.
How about a cup of tea and a tea spoon of honey from bees?
I have no idea what the first sentence means or why i wrote it, like i have no idea, how i will survive a week being ill.
In few days i'm going to a 8 days festival, and with such a phobia as i have - "fear of an empty glass" during all week long is going to be a tough trial.
Cenosillicaphobia is the name of this evilness. But, so i will have to prepare myself with several bottles of vodka and loads of beers, to secure myself.
"I don't ask.. for much these days" /The Roots/ Only to see a live show of lady man dancing. Not that much that i would enjoy it, but just as one of those things that you would like to experience once a lifetime, to select the check box and say - Been there, done that. Something like killing a lobster in a boiled water, or touching with tongues with another man, when you are straight thinking person.
blah, i should start to take this blog stuff more serious huh? Like prepare a theme and then research a bit, and then blow your minds even damn more, otherwise these are just my random thoughts, that i put on the keyboard, not something incredibly special.
And as i am such a special person, it can not continue that way.
See you after i tease you.
I have no idea what the first sentence means or why i wrote it, like i have no idea, how i will survive a week being ill.
In few days i'm going to a 8 days festival, and with such a phobia as i have - "fear of an empty glass" during all week long is going to be a tough trial.
Cenosillicaphobia is the name of this evilness. But, so i will have to prepare myself with several bottles of vodka and loads of beers, to secure myself.
"I don't ask.. for much these days" /The Roots/ Only to see a live show of lady man dancing. Not that much that i would enjoy it, but just as one of those things that you would like to experience once a lifetime, to select the check box and say - Been there, done that. Something like killing a lobster in a boiled water, or touching with tongues with another man, when you are straight thinking person.
blah, i should start to take this blog stuff more serious huh? Like prepare a theme and then research a bit, and then blow your minds even damn more, otherwise these are just my random thoughts, that i put on the keyboard, not something incredibly special.
And as i am such a special person, it can not continue that way.
See you after i tease you.
otrdiena, 2012. gada 26. jūnijs
Green truck and full stomache
How about flushing everything down now, and starting all over again? Have you thought that they way your going is nice, but still not fully satisfying.? Sounds like some kind of a "Into the wild" stories, where a man literally cuts his all bonds with current life and heads off to a new, unknown universe.
A pack of two huge balls will be needed, in order to do something like that and the most important the purpose why. As long as it makes sense and brings joy to you, i see no reason why anything couldn't be completed.
Motivating others while you are not as motivated yourself, might not sound the most greatest thing in the world but it makes sense to me, to make other people go out and do stuff, to help them kick off, make the first baby steps, choose the right fitting bra for the ladies after touching their breast, all of these things just makes so much sense to me, that they can't be ignored and therefore i made a facebook group to sort all of these problems out. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motivate-your-self/162935420394389
Or actually i made it with 2 other guys 1,5 year ago but after 3 posts it died, so I, Sir Ri(hard)s want to happily announce that i will take care of this facebook, community page with that greatest honor and pride for until it will reach amount of 500 likes.
Sounds very royal, right?
p.s. and i do not know why there few lines highlighted white and why i have two long hairs growing on my sholder.
A pack of two huge balls will be needed, in order to do something like that and the most important the purpose why. As long as it makes sense and brings joy to you, i see no reason why anything couldn't be completed.
Motivating others while you are not as motivated yourself, might not sound the most greatest thing in the world but it makes sense to me, to make other people go out and do stuff, to help them kick off, make the first baby steps, choose the right fitting bra for the ladies after touching their breast, all of these things just makes so much sense to me, that they can't be ignored and therefore i made a facebook group to sort all of these problems out. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motivate-your-self/162935420394389
Or actually i made it with 2 other guys 1,5 year ago but after 3 posts it died, so I, Sir Ri(hard)s want to happily announce that i will take care of this facebook, community page with that greatest honor and pride for until it will reach amount of 500 likes.
Sounds very royal, right?
p.s. and i do not know why there few lines highlighted white and why i have two long hairs growing on my sholder.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 25. jūnijs
Mr Excuse.
So in my computer the time is 23.20 so it still counts as sunday, as this place is updated daily.
With no thoughts in the head
i will be heading to the bed
And a lot of times, when i will not know what to say
I might write a line of poem i may
Not caring that much about the grammar and the logical sense
Getting out of it not yet a single pence
So many things to do
But always will have enough time only for you
For you my dear blog reader and fan
Who will be reliable and don't wants to get banned
From this source of awesomeness and infinite amount of wise words
I give you all this nice info that sticks in your head like for a guitar player chords.
I got to bed now. and it´s 01.30, i lied, lied. I'm sorry
With no thoughts in the head
i will be heading to the bed
And a lot of times, when i will not know what to say
I might write a line of poem i may
Not caring that much about the grammar and the logical sense
Getting out of it not yet a single pence
So many things to do
But always will have enough time only for you
For you my dear blog reader and fan
Who will be reliable and don't wants to get banned
From this source of awesomeness and infinite amount of wise words
I give you all this nice info that sticks in your head like for a guitar player chords.
I got to bed now. and it´s 01.30, i lied, lied. I'm sorry
sestdiena, 2012. gada 23. jūnijs
Kick it where it doesn't hurts
" I know it's working, cause i'm pushing it right " /The Roots/
Quite ambitious to say, but who else if not your self is going to say that. New ambitions, new motivation for doing more random stuff and quit them all pretty soon. That's how it has been so far. My motivation for one thing doesn't last longer than a hairball in cats mouth. Even though the process has been great for a certain period of time, the outcome always happens to be puked out and forgotten.
The second paragraph of this post will not include any meaning that´s why all of you are going to be frustrated after finishing this sentence, cause you wasted your so precious time, that you would rather spend on watching another "Friends" episode and why am i doing this (?) to show how much of a bad ass i am, and i don't really show it out in real life, i have to do my best here in internet world, like a 12 year old, youtube commentator gangster, who just simply does not give a sh*t about what is he writing and being proud of it because his mother has no clue about his naughty actions.
With all the best,
Mr. Who wrote the longest one sentence in the history of blogs.
Quite ambitious to say, but who else if not your self is going to say that. New ambitions, new motivation for doing more random stuff and quit them all pretty soon. That's how it has been so far. My motivation for one thing doesn't last longer than a hairball in cats mouth. Even though the process has been great for a certain period of time, the outcome always happens to be puked out and forgotten.
The second paragraph of this post will not include any meaning that´s why all of you are going to be frustrated after finishing this sentence, cause you wasted your so precious time, that you would rather spend on watching another "Friends" episode and why am i doing this (?) to show how much of a bad ass i am, and i don't really show it out in real life, i have to do my best here in internet world, like a 12 year old, youtube commentator gangster, who just simply does not give a sh*t about what is he writing and being proud of it because his mother has no clue about his naughty actions.
With all the best,
Mr. Who wrote the longest one sentence in the history of blogs.
piektdiena, 2012. gada 22. jūnijs
one,2, one, 2
Bad ass weather, bad ass mood, and in the fridge there almost no more food.
So how from here we go on into creating a wonderful day?
Option #2 Stay here, go out in a balcony, drink a cup of coffee and feel miserable + take the bus to the center and be afraid that control might catch me, without a ticket. Complain all day long how much my (wonderful ) body is sunburn, and not want to go to work.
Option #1 Take a bike and cycle the shit out of it in this rain. Do the same on the way home.
Have a great interview, get a job and, continue doing awesome stuff like stuffing
Difference is that the number 2 was me, for a while ago, when i was a little bit afraid of everything like a boy at the moment when he has tried to masturbate for the first time, and he thinks he's parents has caught him, and will have a serious talk to him about it.
But i have understood why am i not that great with talking to people in social spaces.
It's just because i haven't done it. Ooooorh, Jesus Christ and the Lord from the heaven... yes, yes. all my teenage years i've have gotten to talk to people at the party only after some amounts of alcohol going into my body. And when i have to start out talking just by sitting down with a glass of wine it just brings a concrete curtain in front of the brain and i become speechless.. So the way to fix is to practice, practice, practice.
Ok, enough of this emotional crap for one day.
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 21. jūnijs
Oh, you do that
Funny how your perspectives gets's infected so fast, depending from the people around you. And it makes it only worse if you will start to compare yourself to anybody else on this freaking planet. Then your doomed man, doomed, cause the one and only one who knows how to and when to do the things you like is only yourself, just depends if you Are doing anything. Even pretending to be a vacuum cleaner might be a good idea if you do it with passion (:
That's been the biggest fear for me - to not to become anyone or anything. That is one of the reasons why i am sitting here now and writing this blog, cause i believe that some day, some day it will come back to me and i just love to do it + i need to spread the wise words of mine to everybody else so that this world becomes a better place. Also this http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motivate-your-self/162935420394389 place will bring you to a whole knew universe of inspirational goodies.
Cheers to everybody who has already taken the morning brownie down the drain, whooop.
That's been the biggest fear for me - to not to become anyone or anything. That is one of the reasons why i am sitting here now and writing this blog, cause i believe that some day, some day it will come back to me and i just love to do it + i need to spread the wise words of mine to everybody else so that this world becomes a better place. Also this http://www.facebook.com/pages/Motivate-your-self/162935420394389 place will bring you to a whole knew universe of inspirational goodies.
Cheers to everybody who has already taken the morning brownie down the drain, whooop.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 20. jūnijs
As the sun rotates my blog grows bigger..*
how many comes here and triiies to figure... out their lives
and cope with their lonely minds, to get them selves back
on the right path
just by using a simple math.
Read my blog + share it with their friends
= the key elements where the curve of happiness bends.
Bends towards the ultimate joy and satisfaction, not a plane smile that's created like piece of manufacture.
Damn i suck at pretending to be a rapper. I guess i should just stick to being awesome and write my observation in a normal (super cool) way.
eh, em, eee, has anyone ever thought why does milk is called milk?
Yes, i will leave you with a question, so everybody would be like "what the f (little start symbol) ck", or "that is such a cool, random question, i want to have this guys autograph", or "ooh, i forgot to check the oven" or no more "ors".
*The title is taken and generated from one of Snoop doggs songs, so Snoop, i your reading this, you know that i am a big fan, and i saw you live in 2004, and i am writing like a little teenage fan girl now, so i stop it.
and cope with their lonely minds, to get them selves back
on the right path
just by using a simple math.
Read my blog + share it with their friends
= the key elements where the curve of happiness bends.
Bends towards the ultimate joy and satisfaction, not a plane smile that's created like piece of manufacture.
Damn i suck at pretending to be a rapper. I guess i should just stick to being awesome and write my observation in a normal (super cool) way.
eh, em, eee, has anyone ever thought why does milk is called milk?
Yes, i will leave you with a question, so everybody would be like "what the f (little start symbol) ck", or "that is such a cool, random question, i want to have this guys autograph", or "ooh, i forgot to check the oven" or no more "ors".
*The title is taken and generated from one of Snoop doggs songs, so Snoop, i your reading this, you know that i am a big fan, and i saw you live in 2004, and i am writing like a little teenage fan girl now, so i stop it.
otrdiena, 2012. gada 19. jūnijs
Dot, dot line
And i thought i was a good actor, but still one little bastard was able to tell that something unusual was going on in my mind (and pants).
It is actually pretty funny how very different people react in different platforms, that include different people and environments. Hiding, pretending to be better-different. At least i've caught myself hundreds of times doing that. If a nice girls walk towards you, then you pray for all the starts to align just so you would leave an instant impression, by smoking a cigarette. A weird weirdo i am, and probably is some other, nearly every person?
It would be very funny to hear how, why and when people are trying to Pretend to be someone else.
How do we do that, make a facebook event?
Damn, this shit is seriously interesting, right? I had to through in some bad words ,to keep the audience awake you know. Hah, that also was a joke, because no one would ever turn an eye of the screen when reading these splendid blogg posts.
I am clapping on my own shoulder now.
It is actually pretty funny how very different people react in different platforms, that include different people and environments. Hiding, pretending to be better-different. At least i've caught myself hundreds of times doing that. If a nice girls walk towards you, then you pray for all the starts to align just so you would leave an instant impression, by smoking a cigarette. A weird weirdo i am, and probably is some other, nearly every person?
It would be very funny to hear how, why and when people are trying to Pretend to be someone else.
How do we do that, make a facebook event?
Damn, this shit is seriously interesting, right? I had to through in some bad words ,to keep the audience awake you know. Hah, that also was a joke, because no one would ever turn an eye of the screen when reading these splendid blogg posts.
I am clapping on my own shoulder now.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 18. jūnijs
No title
When there are more thoughts in your mind then a bread crumbs on your breakfast plate, you know that something is supposed to be done in order to set organize your mind to be able to function further with no hesitation. I have chosen to keep myself terribly busy all the time, so the only thing i would have to worry about would be about the very next thing to do.
Like now i'm thinking where could i go to smoke a cigarette, because the way to balcony is guarded by sleeping Bulgarian and the way downstairs seems to be non-optional at the moment.
If it´s a right way to do it? I don't think so, but the only way for now, how i see my self going forward.
Reference back to a Bulgarian girl, cause now i am eating her own-made bread, that's very stuffing and i might be farting all the way to school on my bike. I did it once in the public bus and for a moment i felt proud that i had have courage enough to do it, until i saw a fairly pretty girl looking at me, with a little cranky grin pointing towards me. Self confidence broke down in a second. But even a bad experience is an experience you know, so i would 100% recommend it to every people in the world who are lacking self confidence. It's a great, a bit challenging tool how to overcome your fear - fart in the bus.
But now as i was trying to come up with a super funny ending line, my brain won't work.. guess that bread has blocked my thinking cells as well, not only stomach.
Like now i'm thinking where could i go to smoke a cigarette, because the way to balcony is guarded by sleeping Bulgarian and the way downstairs seems to be non-optional at the moment.
If it´s a right way to do it? I don't think so, but the only way for now, how i see my self going forward.
Reference back to a Bulgarian girl, cause now i am eating her own-made bread, that's very stuffing and i might be farting all the way to school on my bike. I did it once in the public bus and for a moment i felt proud that i had have courage enough to do it, until i saw a fairly pretty girl looking at me, with a little cranky grin pointing towards me. Self confidence broke down in a second. But even a bad experience is an experience you know, so i would 100% recommend it to every people in the world who are lacking self confidence. It's a great, a bit challenging tool how to overcome your fear - fart in the bus.
But now as i was trying to come up with a super funny ending line, my brain won't work.. guess that bread has blocked my thinking cells as well, not only stomach.
sestdiena, 2012. gada 16. jūnijs
one billion is anumber
Believe it or not, but i'm back here, and as promised to myself and will tell to a lot of people later i will start to write here on daily basis..
It Could be to much of delightful information for all of you, but the main purpose will be selfish to its roots, for personal development.. bla,bla, bla, boring purpose - not that boring outcome, cause these splendid post will be written with a bits of graceful thoughts, exciting experiences, phenomenal perspectives from a phenomenal person -me.
But to come closer to become a creative artists i´ve got to use drugs. that is true.. or heavy booze obsession might do it. At least from the past few weeks when i have came across some stories about creative artists / inventors / musicians all of them have had some fucked up story, that's been compressed in few hundred pages or a film tape to impress all the little grey audience. And it does, people dig misery and success and even more when those two things combined makes an profile of one man. (Doesn't matter which comes first)
mmh, wait i don't need to use any drugs actually.. in my awesome biographical movie / book, i will mention my high school years, when there was this one year (ok, might have been 3-4 years) when i drank every weekend, whole year through. And i'm proud of it!
No fuck, of course i´m not, that's way i have to work my ass off twice as hard now at my early twenties, in order to achieve great success. tadaaaaa
It Could be to much of delightful information for all of you, but the main purpose will be selfish to its roots, for personal development.. bla,bla, bla, boring purpose - not that boring outcome, cause these splendid post will be written with a bits of graceful thoughts, exciting experiences, phenomenal perspectives from a phenomenal person -me.
But to come closer to become a creative artists i´ve got to use drugs. that is true.. or heavy booze obsession might do it. At least from the past few weeks when i have came across some stories about creative artists / inventors / musicians all of them have had some fucked up story, that's been compressed in few hundred pages or a film tape to impress all the little grey audience. And it does, people dig misery and success and even more when those two things combined makes an profile of one man. (Doesn't matter which comes first)
mmh, wait i don't need to use any drugs actually.. in my awesome biographical movie / book, i will mention my high school years, when there was this one year (ok, might have been 3-4 years) when i drank every weekend, whole year through. And i'm proud of it!
No fuck, of course i´m not, that's way i have to work my ass off twice as hard now at my early twenties, in order to achieve great success. tadaaaaa
sestdiena, 2012. gada 2. jūnijs
To start our with frustration shower or keep a english-breakfast-with-a-cup-of-tea calm?
Library closes in 40 minutes, and that´s the exact amount of time i have to write this post, check some funny pictures, and check facebook.
It´s not that i don´t like these filthy public places and spaces it´s just more of the idea that i spend all my money and a device that is not fuckin* working and that´s why i am stuck in this horny, no-life-play-youtube-all-day people.
I can see i can get influenced pretty easy by book i´m reading. And as i have free time (against my own will) i´m hallway done with the "Scar Tissue" where are a lot of these word line (word-line sentences).
What the fuck should i do? Write a book now? i have no money to drink, so that´s not an option this time.
I will come up with something fucked up probably that will be described in a very neat way i will visit this not-close-to-be-cosy place.
Yesterday tried to fix up my mood with some good music and way to many cigarettes. Didn´t work as i image, but will try to do that today again.
eh, eough here for now. and sorry all my 17 twitter followers for not posting anything new for a week.
Library closes in 40 minutes, and that´s the exact amount of time i have to write this post, check some funny pictures, and check facebook.
It´s not that i don´t like these filthy public places and spaces it´s just more of the idea that i spend all my money and a device that is not fuckin* working and that´s why i am stuck in this horny, no-life-play-youtube-all-day people.
I can see i can get influenced pretty easy by book i´m reading. And as i have free time (against my own will) i´m hallway done with the "Scar Tissue" where are a lot of these word line (word-line sentences).
What the fuck should i do? Write a book now? i have no money to drink, so that´s not an option this time.
I will come up with something fucked up probably that will be described in a very neat way i will visit this not-close-to-be-cosy place.
Yesterday tried to fix up my mood with some good music and way to many cigarettes. Didn´t work as i image, but will try to do that today again.
eh, eough here for now. and sorry all my 17 twitter followers for not posting anything new for a week.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 7. maijs
This is it
This is my first awesome piece of an art i´ve actually finished, so give a big hand to me, wooop, woop.
name of this thing is "Fear no thing" as there is a rabbit on this small hill, and my "stage name" is LeKanin (kanin- rabbit in Danish) represent myself and the thing that i am not afraid of challenges, mysterious creatures, called lazyness, and that i will stand still till i will get what i want.
And now i need to write something super funny otherwise i might not have something funny here, cause that´s all what i am about, being the funniest person alive, only a lot of people don´t know that, because they are to busy by trying to look better then they are in others eyes.
Maybe also a bit me.. i am doing that by wearing colorful socks, but no actually, that is more of my fetish- colorful sock fetish, and not taking them off also is a part of the fetish thing.. might sleep with white ass in the air, but socks will still be stuck on my feet.
But there must a bee as many fetishes as many people, lives on this planet, so no wonder that there are some guys with deep interest in dressing up in animal suits and trying to have sex in the farm building, others who likes to lick toes or look at middle aged bus driver women, crazy this world actually is..
oh, oh and it is actually very interesting just to sit down, in an old, cigarette smoke filled bar, and talk with one of the regular customers, hear their life story, here why do the come here, and where will they go after. Shit i just came up with a
name of this thing is "Fear no thing" as there is a rabbit on this small hill, and my "stage name" is LeKanin (kanin- rabbit in Danish) represent myself and the thing that i am not afraid of challenges, mysterious creatures, called lazyness, and that i will stand still till i will get what i want.
And now i need to write something super funny otherwise i might not have something funny here, cause that´s all what i am about, being the funniest person alive, only a lot of people don´t know that, because they are to busy by trying to look better then they are in others eyes.
Maybe also a bit me.. i am doing that by wearing colorful socks, but no actually, that is more of my fetish- colorful sock fetish, and not taking them off also is a part of the fetish thing.. might sleep with white ass in the air, but socks will still be stuck on my feet.
But there must a bee as many fetishes as many people, lives on this planet, so no wonder that there are some guys with deep interest in dressing up in animal suits and trying to have sex in the farm building, others who likes to lick toes or look at middle aged bus driver women, crazy this world actually is..
oh, oh and it is actually very interesting just to sit down, in an old, cigarette smoke filled bar, and talk with one of the regular customers, hear their life story, here why do the come here, and where will they go after. Shit i just came up with a
piektdiena, 2012. gada 27. aprīlis
multitasking it is
So, now, when i am listening to Artic Monkeys, writing on skype to two people (yes i am writing and they are not replaying, forever alone.. ) + trying to make my portfolio, drinking water once a while and going to pee quite often, cause i´ve drinked quite a lot..
And this is kind of an experiment of multi-tasking, cause the music is quite disturbing to focus on the text and i think i will need to visit toilet soon again.
This is like a live tv-episode for me, when i am doing some particular thing and then describing it to all the world so everybody would know this very important message i am telling, cause my words are wise as hell and have guided countless numbers off people in the way to fulfill their lives with joy and happiness :)
I guess i should just stop what i am doing now and create another youtube channel just to post my wise words out there for even more people, and start earning some money per each view and all the suckers will take a moment out of their lives to listen to me, and after everybody in the world will have had watched them (will send ipads and good internet connection to africa, 97% of russia and all the other old school places), undefeatable army of peace makers will overcome the naughty planet earth like a mosquito cloud in one of Bible´s pages.
And every little thing then is going to be all right. :)
Enough here.
p.s. i still can´t see what the fuck i am writing in the title section.
p.s.s. Oh, and i might should, not have called my lovely soon-to-be fans as suckers, cause that´s bad advertising as i heard in school, were i heard a lot of smart things i will use in my life, cause as a very wise man Laimonis Ulmanis once said: "Macies dzivei nevis skolai ! ". (Learn for life not for school)
And this is kind of an experiment of multi-tasking, cause the music is quite disturbing to focus on the text and i think i will need to visit toilet soon again.
This is like a live tv-episode for me, when i am doing some particular thing and then describing it to all the world so everybody would know this very important message i am telling, cause my words are wise as hell and have guided countless numbers off people in the way to fulfill their lives with joy and happiness :)
I guess i should just stop what i am doing now and create another youtube channel just to post my wise words out there for even more people, and start earning some money per each view and all the suckers will take a moment out of their lives to listen to me, and after everybody in the world will have had watched them (will send ipads and good internet connection to africa, 97% of russia and all the other old school places), undefeatable army of peace makers will overcome the naughty planet earth like a mosquito cloud in one of Bible´s pages.
And every little thing then is going to be all right. :)
Enough here.
p.s. i still can´t see what the fuck i am writing in the title section.
p.s.s. Oh, and i might should, not have called my lovely soon-to-be fans as suckers, cause that´s bad advertising as i heard in school, were i heard a lot of smart things i will use in my life, cause as a very wise man Laimonis Ulmanis once said: "Macies dzivei nevis skolai ! ". (Learn for life not for school)
Ziņas (Atom)