Believe it or not, but i'm back here, and as promised to myself and will tell to a lot of people later i will start to write here on daily basis..
It Could be to much of delightful information for all of you, but the main purpose will be selfish to its roots, for personal development.. bla,bla, bla, boring purpose - not that boring outcome, cause these splendid post will be written with a bits of graceful thoughts, exciting experiences, phenomenal perspectives from a phenomenal person -me.
But to come closer to become a creative artists i´ve got to use drugs. that is true.. or heavy booze obsession might do it. At least from the past few weeks when i have came across some stories about creative artists / inventors / musicians all of them have had some fucked up story, that's been compressed in few hundred pages or a film tape to impress all the little grey audience. And it does, people dig misery and success and even more when those two things combined makes an profile of one man. (Doesn't matter which comes first)
mmh, wait i don't need to use any drugs actually.. in my awesome biographical movie / book, i will mention my high school years, when there was this one year (ok, might have been 3-4 years) when i drank every weekend, whole year through. And i'm proud of it!
No fuck, of course i´m not, that's way i have to work my ass off twice as hard now at my early twenties, in order to achieve great success. tadaaaaa
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