piektdiena, 2012. gada 27. aprīlis

multitasking it is

So, now, when i am listening to Artic Monkeys, writing on skype to two people (yes i am writing and they are not replaying, forever alone.. ) + trying to make my portfolio, drinking water once a while and going to pee quite often, cause i´ve drinked quite a lot..

And this is kind of an experiment of multi-tasking, cause the music is quite disturbing to focus on the text and i think i will need to visit toilet soon again.

This is like a live tv-episode for me, when i am doing some particular thing and then describing it to all the world  so everybody would know this very important message i am telling, cause my words are wise as hell and have guided countless numbers off people in the way to fulfill their lives with joy and happiness :)

I guess i should just stop what i am doing now and create another youtube channel just to post my wise words out there for even more people, and start earning some money per each view and all the suckers will take a moment out of their lives to listen to me, and after everybody in the world will have had watched them (will send ipads and good internet connection to africa, 97% of russia and all the other old school places), undefeatable army of peace makers will overcome the naughty planet earth like a mosquito cloud in one of Bible´s pages.
And every little thing then is going to be all right. :)

Enough here.

p.s. i still can´t see what the fuck i am writing in the title section.
p.s.s. Oh, and i might should, not have called my lovely soon-to-be fans as suckers, cause that´s bad advertising as i heard in school, were i heard a lot of smart things i will use in my life, cause as a very wise man Laimonis Ulmanis once said:  "Macies dzivei nevis skolai ! ".  (Learn for life not for school)

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