About the greater good, how to put a great thing in a great place. To implement the concept and values of a great organization into an organization that actually has a great purpose.
Wouldn't that just bee insanely awesome? Yes it would. Thanks to myself for answering this intriguing question.
I just watched a very smart person (someone else but me) talking about motivation, and at the end of the video he stated that people also Are Purpose maximisers a thing we have to do is to start treating each other equal human beings rather than work forces, so the working environment would be satisfying and besides the money (that would be fairly payed what is also a part of developing from work force to an employee) people would just start to focus more on their jobs. + if you would do an experiment and give employees a day free to do their own stuff, magical things could happen that they've never thought of creating, being a part of.
As simple as that.
As simple as that it is, how incredibly boring my last few post have been. But i guess that is what i understand with a serious blogger? "No it will not continue this way" as he screamed in his thoughts and hit the keys more aggressive than needed to brake the peace in the quite and calm wednesday morning apartment.
I have ruined my own mood just because i was thinking that i might not succeed in one of the great summer plans i have.
Damn, that´s stupid, isn't it? (laughing smiley)
See your mom.
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