So a duck fart was made from, bla, bla, bla and Crown Royal.
And as appears it has a quite a society out there. At least on facebook it´s more than a million people liking it, and what about all the hundreds of thousands of grandpas who do not even know what the internet is, just what a truly fine bottle of whisky is.
But damn, everything about this society thing seems to be so ridicilous.
Lets start with the slogan from of their alcohol experts : "connect people with that magical moment of truth when they experience true joy through taste"
i would say that about a big glass of strawberry and apple cocktail.
There is a fishing contest, but you don't actually need to catch a single fish or get out your comfortable sofa-chair to participate.
Make a special bag with your own desire for the bottle.
Of course you can find an expert to tell you about what would be the best choice of taste right for you..
And, and you can state your Hero, so a whisky brand wants you to find a Hero, either a fireman, local policeman a volunteer? I think that they have had the chance to be heros, because they´ve been as far as possible from a bottle to do that.
Now don't get me wrong. I wouldn't bee the one who could judge people who consumes alcohol, cause i am still in my young years and that's what i do more then needed, but the system or the society of the alcohol has just fired me up. I do realize that all these things are made in order to gain the biggest profit possible, but come one. These kind of a values should be more for a "save a homeless pet" site, or "lets help kids with no parents" organizations no a damn whisky brand.
I mean, they have support center in any direction in USA you need, you can win prizes if you participate in a contest where you have to do nearly nothing, state your hero?? Really?
One thing we can do is to learn from this company how to gain such a success and put it in a way better concept.
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