an awkward moment, when you open your blog, put your long, filthy fingers on keyboard and don´t know what to write.. usually you would keep this to yourself and try to forget your lack of moments creativity and write something another day.
have had, funny moments, have had drunk and high moments and a tiny drop of regrets, but all that´s behind my back, as the weekend is over and can start to think about some more important stuff, like finally getting curtains or watching all the family guy seasons or writing a letter and putting it in a bottle and throwing it in the sea so some random person (probably from Sweeden) can read my true, heartbreaking story about homosexual hamsters adventures in a pet store.
great. it was that difficult. few minutes and i have already told what´s on my heart, therefore making it easier to live, made a plan for a week + during it had fun with my left hand - this is amazing what i can do.
i hope you too. can do.. something amazing.
and after all it was easier than riding a bike with flat back tire, than write this. amazing my brain truly is.
(p.s. not peace)
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