pirmdiena, 2012. gada 16. janvāris

once upon a time not too long ago..

i was writing stuff, posts, wise thoughts of mine like every day or something.. like a girl writing a diary. and now i´ve cutted it down to a few posts a month oooooor i´m just lazy or i just don´t give a fuck about this blog.
Yes my true identity. a gangster.. i´m not giving a fuck about not giving a fuck :D

no but if we want to get serious for a second, then my flatmate did this "test" to me to understand what kind of personality i have and all that crap, (i usually don´t believe in this kind of a witchcraft )but one thing that gave me a second thought was that i have too many plans. for everything.. and that is a damn true. after i do what i´ve planned i will make a plan to plan the next plan. and that´s not so cool, cause besides the awesome planning not that much of those plans actually comes to realization.
that is sad.
that´s why i had a genius idea, to plan.. which Plans to cut off, and i did ;)
now only i need to buy mayonnaise and start doing shit.

as i really appreciate you all wasting time on reading this lines, i will honor you all by making myself a sandwich. Thank you.

1 komentārs:

  1. missed u over here! i was reading my blog, it's been so long since the last time i wrote on it, and came by to check yours! love ya bitch! you've been missed! :*
