otrdiena, 2012. gada 31. janvāris


looking back to previous post, like a year ago seems, that i had a terrible issue with the fuck word. i just read one of the posts and i think it was used more often than a dot.

Is it me becoming more adult, or i should just replace the f word with balls, sucker, dick-nipple, bread.. ? You know so i could keep up with my once been gangster reputation.
But i can not afford it, because soon, when i will get world wide famous, besides checking my FB, twitter account billion times a day, people will jump in this blog like a bunch of hungry rabbits in a cage with carrots, and destroy it with their feces (useless comments) how cool this blog is, but as i already know it, it will loose this special, intimate feeling it carries with it.
such a poet i am.

and sometimes the best thing to do when your confused from all the choices you got is to do like this.

otrdiena, 2012. gada 24. janvāris

bricks made of wall

a year ago, so last January i had like 13 posts damn.. what the fuck i was writing there all the time.. guess i had a period or something and wanted express myself from all the possible aspects.

actually that "period joke" i came up with yesterday and i thought it´s so funny that i have to remember it, because i was too lazy to write it down yesterday. and now it´s not that funny anymore after you read this add on. But, but as i told myself, and few other people that i want to be more honest, i had to tell this. Even though i lost 1% of my funnny-ness.

talking a bit more serious now.. what could be your ultimate challenge towards a strange human being (one you have never meet before in your entire boring life) ? like slapping ass, asking for his/hers mother/fathers number, ask to merry a person or you know random stuff.

and not that serious now.. what would you prefer: 1. To have to be a elephants ass scrubber for half a year in a small, smelly Indian circus, were they have probably stolen the elephant and you have to keep an eye on it as well from cops, and the only treat you get is to look at belly dancers changing there clothes. (if your a girl then no treat.. well if you enjoy girls bodies then it kind a counts) 2. Live on a rooftop of a ghetto for 6 months where there´s no danger and you get to see violent shoot-outs almost everyday (ooh yea), better then in any Sylvester Stallone´s movies, but you get to eat pigeons and apples only.

i´m not quite sure why i wrote these, so sense making, sophisticated, life´s point revealing questions, if no one but me, will be there to answer them.

ooh no, Mau you will answer them. there are for you :D

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 16. janvāris

once upon a time not too long ago..

i was writing stuff, posts, wise thoughts of mine like every day or something.. like a girl writing a diary. and now i´ve cutted it down to a few posts a month oooooor i´m just lazy or i just don´t give a fuck about this blog.
Yes my true identity. a gangster.. i´m not giving a fuck about not giving a fuck :D

no but if we want to get serious for a second, then my flatmate did this "test" to me to understand what kind of personality i have and all that crap, (i usually don´t believe in this kind of a witchcraft )but one thing that gave me a second thought was that i have too many plans. for everything.. and that is a damn true. after i do what i´ve planned i will make a plan to plan the next plan. and that´s not so cool, cause besides the awesome planning not that much of those plans actually comes to realization.
that is sad.
that´s why i had a genius idea, to plan.. which Plans to cut off, and i did ;)
now only i need to buy mayonnaise and start doing shit.

as i really appreciate you all wasting time on reading this lines, i will honor you all by making myself a sandwich. Thank you.

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 9. janvāris

what, what in the cup?

an awkward moment, when you open your blog, put your long, filthy fingers on keyboard and don´t know what to write.. usually you would keep this to yourself and try to forget your lack of moments creativity and write something another day.
have had, funny moments, have had drunk and high moments and a tiny drop of regrets, but all that´s behind my back, as the weekend is over and can start to think about some more important stuff, like finally getting curtains or watching all the family guy seasons or writing a letter and putting it in a bottle and throwing it in the sea so some random person (probably from Sweeden) can read my true, heartbreaking story about homosexual hamsters adventures in a pet store.

great. it was that difficult. few minutes and i have already told what´s on my heart, therefore making it easier to live, made a plan for a week + during it had fun with my left hand - this is amazing what i can do.
i hope you too. can do.. something amazing.

and after all it was easier than riding a bike with flat back tire, than write this. amazing my brain truly is.

(p.s. not peace)

trešdiena, 2012. gada 4. janvāris


back in Denmark, but feels damn weird.. like i would like to change my sex, but actually i would not. like something weird. i´m kind a back in the Denmark, well my body is, my Latvian food is, but the feeling is like i haven´t been here at all before.
not that i missed home, but balkjdjgajdgmeaeioeagm- yes, this is how how feel now.

i guess mixture of hating the project i need to finish, having to work tomorrow, the good old smell of piss in the hallway and not really knowing what to do in my life has confused my super smart brain a bit, but i will get over it in this month definitely :)

and grandma gave me this huge piece of meat, but i have no idea how to make it eatable.. trying now, and will see if i´ll survive.
today saw the most fucked up thing. a transexual person, cutted off his/hers legs and lives a happy life, cause decided that pair of limbs that helps you to move around faster are no longer needed.. Damn. damn..

and i did not promised my self anything what i´ll do better/faster/stronger this year. will see if it´s gonna be any different. ooh, of course it fucking will be, but let´s see.
