Monday, monday, mondaaay, gonna get down on monday.
or no, cause it sucks, not because it´s monday, i actually don´t give a fuck what day is it, as long as it´s good, but as some asshole didn´t even asked me that he wanted to drive with my bike and just took it.. that makes me look like the angriest evil grandfather on the planet earth when i can not force my self to smile.
and actually i´m mad that i am mad. fucked up my mind is.
but as i will study/live in Portland from January 2013, everything seems to be in brighter colors, the food started to taste better, people seemed to be happier around and even my penis is longer than usual. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, LOVE.
and i like, love i think it´s super cool to cook. and that´s all. it just amazing, something about cutting those damn onions and making pancakes is magical. not combining them together thought.
but as i´m all about experimenting with everything, food making included, maybe i should make onion pancakes? or onions with pancakes. or take a pan, put on it cakes and then onion as a topping? limitless opportunities with only those two things already, imagine what could i do with one igredient more, like + parika or beer. (?)
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