ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 24. novembris

I Have

Decided that i will be in the wk12 team next year. So that means that i will have to work my ass off, starting from this significant moment till 7th of August when is the deadline to send my application to this school.
And as it would start at the same time as i would have to take my internship, i would saaaaaay fuck it. Because if there is one thing in the world i would like to ahcieve, it´s getting in this school. So fuck it :D

Do not and i repeat Do not put paprika,tomato with cheap arabic sousage and under any circumstances do not, put them both on a piece of bread and take it to the school as your lunch. It might cause even close friends avoidance and other people unatractivness signals pointing you direction. And that´s all because of this God damn sausage.
bow wow, wow, jippi yo, jippi yey, i´m gonna have potato and meat balls for the lunch today.

Beside all these amazingly, super exciting stories of my life, me, as the most generous person of all the times, can share my great wisdom and say you this: Have always second plan B, if you make a crap in your pants (both, with a purpose or accidentally) and when you run out of milk.
Always have that in you mind.

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