cause i´m dooooone with ''One bite''
and you can see it right here bitches
but as i lost all my inspirational web page adresses i will have to start all over-fucking-again, so my next post is dedicated only to those shits, like inspirational and super creative bullshit.
yes, i´m wearing my gangster underpants that´s why there there´s such a strong language in this post.
today, i eat my pasta with russian salat and smoked three cigarette´s, no 4 i think. what a productive day i have, mmmmh hm.
i have a dream. my neighbours have dreams. a horse has a dream. and pinguins maybe also have a dream. But the difference between those and mine is that i finally understand what kind a business i would like to make. and i have a pretty damn clear vision how it should look like.
i did a small calculation (without calculator) that i need around 25'000 DKK to start. So off i goooooo oo...
step number one: Making name for the company.
1. Pyramids of the monkeys
2. Church with a long penis
3. Shop for not that happy people.
4. Bag full of gas and lighter in ur pocket.
5. Honey floored banana table.
6. .... ok i can continue like that all day long, you can help me to choose later right one.
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