why the fuck am i talking about lightning it couldn`t get any friends any way.-- skip this.
and continuing this post, after 9 hours brake im might say that now is 3.03 in the morning and im thinking to go to bed, cause, nothing insanely cool from my super smart brain, suprisingly is not comming out.
and as me and my beloved girlfriend agreed on being super honest, i can`t write here that i have a tattoo,cause she`s reading this blogg, and if i would mention that, she could find it out, and get mad on me, for not telling that to her first. Oh, snap, i already did.. so i`ll just have to wait now, and face the unpleasant punishment. either i want it or not.

nr1. this is my dream bed.
nr2. this is my dream.
nr1+nr2= peace (atleast in my head,home,bed)
Luckily for you, I read your message first.
AtbildētDzēstOh, snap :D