well. well. that fucking keyboard of this god damn Aarhus libabry computer is pretty close to a complete shit, meaning that the each button is like in a size of box safty matches box, and you actually need to use your finger muscles to press a fucking button.
now you know in what king of a track this record is heading to. cause im wining about a fucking keyboard.
and i have a little issue besides this (maybe at the same size as just mentioned one), that needs to be resolved in max 4days, and it would be nice too choose the right answer cause it can change my next 2 years up side down.
and i just bought 2 bananas and old, empty, coffie can. shit knows why.. but im happy with my purchase and thats all what matters the most.. now.
for my eager stop motion fans, i can satisfy you all with saying that new episod is comming soon. ok its not actaully comming or going anywhere i just need, to finish it, and i slept max 3-5 hours a day, last four days, so dont you fucking dare to say that im lazy or slow or any other kind of a person who can not finish his\hers work at the time.
and probably my new addiction will be watching desperate housewives with my girlfriend. and i dont even care that its gay, cause its fun. atleast most of the time.
trouble maker-party braker.
p.s. looks like im more than a genious in making new punch lines.
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