pirmdiena, 2011. gada 14. februāris

the something, something ft. christmas tree.

and that means, i just shitted in my pajama pants and said uncle Bent 3 times.
or i didn`t cause i don`t even have a pajama pants.
I don`t know why the fuck i wrote these first two sentences, but anyway.
yesterday, was the first time in my life when i spent like 10 minutes together with a strange dude, with a stupid hair cut. and it was midnight and it was cold, and i was like 80km away from the school hoping that i will take the correct train.
and after i did (took the correct one), i spent 25 minutes in a another train station, but this time with two men. and both of them looked suspicious, cause one was reading a book, but mostly he was looking everywhere else, but not in the pages, and the other one was just making weird sounds (possibly trying to show, that he`s not feeling awkard in that silent moment) and i just sat there, thinking either to speak with them or not cause, i had a nice conversation with two beautiful Danish girls, who were going to play handball, and there doing this big practise only 4 times a year.
so, wanted to say, that it was a booring trip, and to show that i can describe even something booring in many sentences. yes im so impressive.

and i came to conclusion, that in trains, actually only ugly Danish people can speak a proper english. Good thing it`s not about this school as well. xD

teeehee. - i just stole this punch line from a famous "youtuber"

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