it`s the second day for me in brandbjerg, and im keeping my promise and writting every day, but it`s not gonna be a fucking diary in that sense, that i will write what i eat, how many times i jerk in shower and about the amount of cigaretes i`ve smoked, cause that`s even more useless, than this blogg by it self.
i will try to explain the mood and feelings and other a bot more importen shit.
Me and Mau are still the only danish-naaast (not almost at all speaking students) but soon us will join some other dudes. and every one is getting much better with getting to know each other but there is still a big gap between old students and the young one`s. Ok, it`s only the first weeks start so shut up.
and i wish i could play any instrument so i could be keen on doing something interesting, but i don`t have any usefull hobbies, so i can just try to quit the harmful ones.
i have some cool pictures in my phone so, you will not see any of them now, cause im too lazy to go upstairs for my mobile. ok im not telling the truth it`s in my pocket, but now you`ll be even more curious to know what`s gonna be in the next record.
see, ya.
YAY! Finally 2 more naaast chicks, 2 polish chicks! yay! now we won't be forever alone! XD hahahahahahhahahaha