ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 23. septembris


its only half past 11, but im already wasted from few bears n from few zips of cheap vodka, and it`s fuckin unbelievable, cause it`s just unbelievable xD
and, and, and. and i am soooo fuckin excited because tomrrow im going to peters`s  town together with peter and casper, and it will bee so fuckin awesome.... ah i my feets are tickling from excitment dude, i will be fuckin` stoned n i will bee in the greeeat party as well, first real danish party for me, and im still so happy as hell xD
and today i just found out that my mother throught out my favourite south park poster, and it is the biggest disaster that could ever happened now, so im excited as hell and sad AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

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