A lot of great things ruined, overtaken or more like overwhelmed with (stupid) bullshit. This time talking about the wonderful internet universe.
Starting from the twitter that was originally made for a simple and great purpose, for people to exchange with short, important, valid messages has grown into some your mini-blogs, extremely often life updates about shit, they themselves don't even care.
12:22 "Going to the shop to buy some cerials"
12:25 "Will probably buy the crunchy color rings"
12:31 "My dog just made a funny face"
12:43 "Back from the shop, but forgot milk"
Ooooh my goodness. How, why, why would you even do that? It is "meaningless or without practical value" quoting the urban dictionary for what does "stupid bullshit" means.
But it is everywhere, and nearly everwhere is sending all this crap information forward and forward.
Facebook, blogger, youtube, so many "news" sites, and a special site for this crap- 9gag that at least gathers ajority of this junk in one place. Damn. It just frustrating when you have to (cause i am such a cool person and that's the only reason) spend at least 8 hours a day in front of this screen, and facing all this crap daily you seem to get only dumber and dumber, by being nearly drawning in this useless piles of information.
How would it be possible to not get in contact with all this unpleasentness or reduce it to minimum?
That's smells like a life-time project to somebody.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 29. augusts
otrdiena, 2012. gada 28. augusts
Strawberry Jam.
Another delighful page with a subtle story, that will bring you into a fabolous journey throught my thoughtful and breathtaking point of view of:
For now i would like to underline thise "lacking purpose and positive contribution".
That is something i could really see not only among the classmates i'm with, workplace i'm working at and social event i'm attending but also myself about 2 years ago. Everything i did was just a stupid bullshit. Relationship with nearly no positive contribution, lacking purpose/direction of life (that's why i ended up in Denmark) + lacking values. Took what i was facing, eat what i had given and drank all the crap that would have been poured into by glass.
Looking back i thank God, that it's been changed. Now i can clearly see how the "no-opinion generation" is created. With guys like that (me a while ago), who are not forced to face, challanges, consider option, express opinions everything what they will be able to put out for the future will be just a big and smelly stack of stupid bullshit.
And one of the resons it's been cause could be modernisation, when people has to have, have to get everything much faster and better without knowing the source where it comes from and without any knowledge how to handle things. No experimantations, no experience, no failing and learning.
Also a big part of it plays the role of our childhood-teenage years that we're stuck in this institution- school. Here's a great video showing other points of view how the education is still in the roots since it's been established and what are the possible ways to change it. I guess all this teaching system, and school environment has to be pulled out like a tree, and planted in a new soil.
Meaning that it would still have the same roots, the same purpose to educating next generation creators, but with a different basis, different concept of how the teaching should be, must be implemented.
p.s. Seems i haven't kept my promise to mind my use of inappropriate words in this post. I truly hope the blogfather will forgive me, my sins.
Stupid Bullshit:
Anything completely lacking in value, purpose, and lacking a positive contribution to the matter at hand. As 'bullshit' or 'b.s.' is usually used to denote something as meaningless or without practical value, stupid adds more derision.
Real life example: Jerry's ex-old lady came over and started a bunch of stupid bullshit, man.
For now i would like to underline thise "lacking purpose and positive contribution".
That is something i could really see not only among the classmates i'm with, workplace i'm working at and social event i'm attending but also myself about 2 years ago. Everything i did was just a stupid bullshit. Relationship with nearly no positive contribution, lacking purpose/direction of life (that's why i ended up in Denmark) + lacking values. Took what i was facing, eat what i had given and drank all the crap that would have been poured into by glass.
Looking back i thank God, that it's been changed. Now i can clearly see how the "no-opinion generation" is created. With guys like that (me a while ago), who are not forced to face, challanges, consider option, express opinions everything what they will be able to put out for the future will be just a big and smelly stack of stupid bullshit.
And one of the resons it's been cause could be modernisation, when people has to have, have to get everything much faster and better without knowing the source where it comes from and without any knowledge how to handle things. No experimantations, no experience, no failing and learning.
Also a big part of it plays the role of our childhood-teenage years that we're stuck in this institution- school. Here's a great video showing other points of view how the education is still in the roots since it's been established and what are the possible ways to change it. I guess all this teaching system, and school environment has to be pulled out like a tree, and planted in a new soil.
Meaning that it would still have the same roots, the same purpose to educating next generation creators, but with a different basis, different concept of how the teaching should be, must be implemented.
p.s. Seems i haven't kept my promise to mind my use of inappropriate words in this post. I truly hope the blogfather will forgive me, my sins.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 27. augusts
Will be this weeks theme indeed.
I mean nearly every stand up comedian has had a joke about stupid bullsh*t or stupid poeple talking this bullcrap.
Isn't that just incredibly correct how often actually we face some idiotism in our lives? It's just been so much cultivated in our daily life that we do not even consider / pay attention to these kind of things.
I happen to have to step a bit back and mention some advertising crap. (Well most of the people who are not interested in this business might see these words very normal to be together. "Advertising" and "crap", but this is truly one of the cases )
The soda water "7up", had this campaign about 60 years ago, when they braged that 11 months year old kid, is not at all their youngest target audience member. Like for real nig*a? For real? Further we go, more interesting the story envolves. The campaign encourage mom's to mix the milk with with "7up" in doze of 50 to 50, so it would be even healthier. God damn. A line from the campaign says as follows: "You can even give it to your baby, and feel good about it"...
That's just some load of shit, on top of some more shit.
And besides, that it's incredible how those guys got this campaign running. They actually got it to be a success story, meaning that they managed to pull down this loads of crap, through the throught of all these amazignly blind and stupid people.
I do have to apollogise for the inappropriate language used in this post, but come on. Come on.
Promise to behave for the next post.
I mean nearly every stand up comedian has had a joke about stupid bullsh*t or stupid poeple talking this bullcrap.
Isn't that just incredibly correct how often actually we face some idiotism in our lives? It's just been so much cultivated in our daily life that we do not even consider / pay attention to these kind of things.
I happen to have to step a bit back and mention some advertising crap. (Well most of the people who are not interested in this business might see these words very normal to be together. "Advertising" and "crap", but this is truly one of the cases )
The soda water "7up", had this campaign about 60 years ago, when they braged that 11 months year old kid, is not at all their youngest target audience member. Like for real nig*a? For real? Further we go, more interesting the story envolves. The campaign encourage mom's to mix the milk with with "7up" in doze of 50 to 50, so it would be even healthier. God damn. A line from the campaign says as follows: "You can even give it to your baby, and feel good about it"...
That's just some load of shit, on top of some more shit.
And besides, that it's incredible how those guys got this campaign running. They actually got it to be a success story, meaning that they managed to pull down this loads of crap, through the throught of all these amazignly blind and stupid people.
I do have to apollogise for the inappropriate language used in this post, but come on. Come on.
Promise to behave for the next post.
svētdiena, 2012. gada 26. augusts
We all live in a yellow tree.
It makes your food taste better, your kitchen knife seem to cut better, yourself smell better. That's the awesomeness of advertising, that most of us never think of. And that's why it's so easy to trick so many poeple into buying, visiting, looking at all your crap.
Only because it looks good, or has this catchy fraze, that you can no possible refuse to investigate more after facing it once.
Let's take tea bags for instance. Nothing very special (for more soicy topic you can check "tea baging") but inovative design and a bit of out of the box thinking tag line, would greatly increase chance of your product to be on the top of the game.

This is just a regular ugly package. Only reason you would ever buy it, because it's even cheaper than beer in Latvia and you would like to trick yourself of drinking a tea.
But something like this. Damn. oh my Lord, it's that pretty, that first of all you would give to your grandmother as a present because it's so pretty and after 2,5 years when someone will take it off the shelf to sweap off the dust, realize that it is actually a tea package..
Only because it looks good, or has this catchy fraze, that you can no possible refuse to investigate more after facing it once.
Let's take tea bags for instance. Nothing very special (for more soicy topic you can check "tea baging") but inovative design and a bit of out of the box thinking tag line, would greatly increase chance of your product to be on the top of the game.

This is just a regular ugly package. Only reason you would ever buy it, because it's even cheaper than beer in Latvia and you would like to trick yourself of drinking a tea.

If you do understand this no so sophiscticated information, you could see that the good looking one is also way more simple. A bit more cleverness, and everbody will live in a better world. Or even more poeple will be tricked into buying crap.
I guess we'll also end with the adverstisment topic for now, and start a new week, with some cool sh*t.
I can not really image a sh*t that is cool myself, but we'll find out that in nearest future :)
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 23. augusts
When you too f*cked up!
That's not even a question anymore, that getting in creative business is more and more sophisticated. Stairs of creativity in advertising and other related businesses are high enough to to get to the moon and back. Just by thinking outside the box is already a yesterday talk, there has to be "wwooaw".
As difficult as to create a new campaign it extremely difficult to re-make an existing one. One of the greatest examples, most of you probably know is Old Spice. How did this "my grandfather uses this and i never even want to smell it" deodorant brand, got nearly 7 million view, 24 hours after launching the campaign, and now attracted all even my age guys to buy that crap.
One thing that it's made by one of the best companies and my favourite "w+k" but the trick or kind of a mind f*ck they did, was to targeted the campaign of the product that's meant to be for male, to female. Doing something completely opposite. In this case cause they assumed that most of the shopping is done by the ladies that Isaiah Mustafa is talking to through out all the commercial and hoping that the ladies would buy Old Spice for their man as they have seen the commercial.
Simple and genius. That's how the world should be..
Maybe i should try to give the second breath to Hugh Hefner and his lovely ladies magazine Playboy.
It has lost the charm and intimity by all the modersnism around as and internet porn. (For more information about internet porn check "Family guy episode 2, from season 8")
What could give the old "Playboy magazine" some fresh colors? Campaign targeting woman might not work this time, cause i'm not sure, if this magazine would be on the top of their grocery list, but a little sneaky old-school look a like commercials could work.
Maybe make nearly a super fancy magazine, old look, new breeze.. Would be one of those things for hipsters, but hey in everyone there is a little hipster inside, so it should work.
As difficult as to create a new campaign it extremely difficult to re-make an existing one. One of the greatest examples, most of you probably know is Old Spice. How did this "my grandfather uses this and i never even want to smell it" deodorant brand, got nearly 7 million view, 24 hours after launching the campaign, and now attracted all even my age guys to buy that crap.
One thing that it's made by one of the best companies and my favourite "w+k" but the trick or kind of a mind f*ck they did, was to targeted the campaign of the product that's meant to be for male, to female. Doing something completely opposite. In this case cause they assumed that most of the shopping is done by the ladies that Isaiah Mustafa is talking to through out all the commercial and hoping that the ladies would buy Old Spice for their man as they have seen the commercial.
Simple and genius. That's how the world should be..
Maybe i should try to give the second breath to Hugh Hefner and his lovely ladies magazine Playboy.
It has lost the charm and intimity by all the modersnism around as and internet porn. (For more information about internet porn check "Family guy episode 2, from season 8")
What could give the old "Playboy magazine" some fresh colors? Campaign targeting woman might not work this time, cause i'm not sure, if this magazine would be on the top of their grocery list, but a little sneaky old-school look a like commercials could work.
Maybe make nearly a super fancy magazine, old look, new breeze.. Would be one of those things for hipsters, but hey in everyone there is a little hipster inside, so it should work.
trešdiena, 2012. gada 22. augusts
Ja, ja, ja
No post, no cookies.
I guess that the overall picture of this awesome blog writer could be- promises of oftenly update blog, and now also a weekly subjects, but nothing ever last for long enough to satisfy my own urge to get better at this writting thing, putting words on a paper, getting the thoughts out..
So if You, my future employer, are reading this you know that i'm not lazy, just one of those talented poor kids. One of those who has the will to do stuff, change, turn and explore the world around myself and every one else, but have to spend a lot of free time scrubbing some kitchen floor to give the angry flat owner some money in return to be able to have a roof above the head.
Hope it will change soon, so you can see what i can do.
mmh, now there's school ahead and i haven't figured out how, when and what will i write, but most probably we'll continue with weekly subjects.
Yes, yes man, we will do that.
We left the advertisment half way done last time, so we'll continue on that and then have something extremely awesome for the next week.
To draw more attention to this post i will just post a colorful picture, that should trick your mind to stick to this for a second longer (:
I guess that the overall picture of this awesome blog writer could be- promises of oftenly update blog, and now also a weekly subjects, but nothing ever last for long enough to satisfy my own urge to get better at this writting thing, putting words on a paper, getting the thoughts out..
So if You, my future employer, are reading this you know that i'm not lazy, just one of those talented poor kids. One of those who has the will to do stuff, change, turn and explore the world around myself and every one else, but have to spend a lot of free time scrubbing some kitchen floor to give the angry flat owner some money in return to be able to have a roof above the head.
Hope it will change soon, so you can see what i can do.
mmh, now there's school ahead and i haven't figured out how, when and what will i write, but most probably we'll continue with weekly subjects.
Yes, yes man, we will do that.
We left the advertisment half way done last time, so we'll continue on that and then have something extremely awesome for the next week.
To draw more attention to this post i will just post a colorful picture, that should trick your mind to stick to this for a second longer (:
trešdiena, 2012. gada 8. augusts
That extra something.
Every great commercial / advertisement has always had that something little more than others, that extra secret ingredient to make commercial tasty enough for every hungry consumer.
One of the main bridges to build to ensure the connection between relations from company to a customer is to show something new, exciting and innovative. "Omg, this is so cool, i have never seen anything like that" - should be an average "youtubers" comment after seeing an ad.
Taking the same old concepts, putting them in new frames and the other way around.
A company i really admire and want to be a part of one day: wieden+kennedy !! Incredibly nice ideas, great concepts of the values and believes in the company and remarkable outcome - commercials.
This companies "extra something" starts with the inside, as it always should be.
As Kennedy mentioned in the documentary about advertising "we are like a high school with a lot of money" meaning that they never stop experimenting, making it a failure (+ one of the office walls has a huge installation saying "Fail Harder" ) safe place, from where great ideas comes from.
So one of the advices, is to create a safe environment, where no major harm can be cause and let the game begin.
Not saying that you'll get Madison Avenue level high if this one advice will be taken in consideration, but will surely give a great outcome, besides the great fun of making it. !
One of the main bridges to build to ensure the connection between relations from company to a customer is to show something new, exciting and innovative. "Omg, this is so cool, i have never seen anything like that" - should be an average "youtubers" comment after seeing an ad.
Taking the same old concepts, putting them in new frames and the other way around.
A company i really admire and want to be a part of one day: wieden+kennedy !! Incredibly nice ideas, great concepts of the values and believes in the company and remarkable outcome - commercials.
This companies "extra something" starts with the inside, as it always should be.
As Kennedy mentioned in the documentary about advertising "we are like a high school with a lot of money" meaning that they never stop experimenting, making it a failure (+ one of the office walls has a huge installation saying "Fail Harder" ) safe place, from where great ideas comes from.
So one of the advices, is to create a safe environment, where no major harm can be cause and let the game begin.
Not saying that you'll get Madison Avenue level high if this one advice will be taken in consideration, but will surely give a great outcome, besides the great fun of making it. !
otrdiena, 2012. gada 7. augusts
And how about this one?
It is less then inappropriate to say that advertisment is everywhere. And i do mean everywhere. You might be sitting in an empty room and catch yourself humming a song what was in a commercial that you saw a week ago. It was just constantly reminded for you in a subconscious level, be cause the message was so powerful. Or you just really love the "The Edge of glory" by Lady Gaga, and don't even remember it was an interesting google chrome ad.
But taking it down to a local level. Weed smokers. Yes, even all the little, "just got my first joint paper" to "rolling masters" everyone at some point have founded out, where to get the best piece of the "green stuff", "bush", "Texas tea", "grass" or whatever you might call it. Mainly is from word to a word, trusted people gives out the message to people they would trust, making all these small communities around the area, because illegal in Denmark, as in most of the countries it has to be underground, but recently i came across, these 3, dark-skinned guys, who where driving around the district and giving out their "visit cards". Here's one of them.
Never seen anything like that in here, either my home country. These guys could be something like Edward Bernays and his famous breakthrough with promoting woman smoking cigarettes in early 20´s.
Ok, they might not be PR geniuses, but something extraordinary and not yet seen for my eye, it sure was. A cookie for them!
p.s. While i was writing this post, there was a dude whistling from the ground floor towards my neighbor-pot dealer for the next doze. I could have pretended to be the new dealer and through down a bad of grass.. and then get beaten up probably.
pirmdiena, 2012. gada 6. augusts
Great success!
Oh it's monday already. Somehow i have happened to skip few days, in this wonderful blog world. Excuses, reasons, apologies.. let's leave them out this time, cause they won't bring any posts back.
Yes, taking this as serious as a Christmas turkey in american movies, so this posts marinade has been prepared for a few days in my head (more in a subconscious level) and will have to juicy, crunchy feeling with.
Ad, advert, advertising. It will truly be this weeks theme, subject, the topic that we will try to twist and turn (shout) and see how greatly remarkable advertising truly is.
Cause for you to understand (feeling like a teacher in a classroom now) more or less the big picture of this "poisoned gas" as George Lois Armstrong, states it in a great piece of documentary "Art&Copy". And no, he's not a singer, but not less impressive in advertising sphere then Louis Armstrong in music writing.
For the start i want to say that it won't be any history-i want to shoot my self - boring, "class". More of a clever, innovative and great pieces will be disposed for you amusement.
Here's a sneak-peak of what i am talking about.
As for the start i would have to sat you down at the this party table of enormous amounts of sophisticated information, but you will get to bite your teeth in a real meat chunk, in a while.
I see you, finger in the nose readers in a while ;)
trešdiena, 2012. gada 1. augusts
Have you ever tried to squeeze a lemon?
To really take it in your hand, try to gather your fingers to form a fist, until the skin will crack and the juice will come out. Not enough to have for Tekila but that's, just one of the ways what to do with lemon when "life" gives you one.
This useless paragraph is more of an comparison with me. As i would be the lemon and work would be the fist or anything else that would press the damn juice out. But, my skin is tougher then a coffin nail, so ain't that happening even though after midnight i will have spend 15 hours by earning some dollars. Or danish kronas, but that doesn't sound as tough and cool.
... One of my flatmates just got back from a holiday trip and we had a talk and cigarette and now i am too excited to write something logical, and that-actually-does-makes-sense stuff. Also a little time pressure, cause i have to be at work very soon.
Is it better to have no post than having a bad post? You tell me.
Ziņas (Atom)