hi bitcheeees, pimp is in the house again. and now i should describe my perfect holidays in latvia, but i will noooooot gonna do it, cause, if you would like to know that, then you had already asked me, so fuck you. fuck you,who wants to know that.. and is not asking. . khm. ya. fuck you.
and probably i have the weirdest taste of music cause, im listening to korn, jimi hendrix, red hot chilli peppers, michael buble and velvet revolver in one playlist.
ok, ok of course im not doing that, i just wanted to show off with that, that i know 2 new arstist and actually im listening to one song for 7-13 times, when it`s getting really boring and then switch to another one.
and will meet my exbrandbjerg latvians, excluding betty,cause she`s actully not from our country..
me: i have doubts that she is from the planet earth, but to talk about her, it would take all the symbols in this blogg.
voice from the outside: there is not limit in this blogg for letters..
me: ok, shut up, i just don`t want to spend energy to write about betty.
voice: but you are doing it...
me: ...
me: anyway i don`t give a fuck that i already mentioned about that ex-BH meeting, im just super happy about that.
and i just wanted to upload these two pictures..
aaand this one, cause it`s a pretty sausage and a pretty radiotor, and a really pretty banana skin on the wall :)
me: to be continued...
voice: there is nothing that you could continue stupid.
me: ha, see im still writting.
i will see you next time.. or will i?
trešdiena, 2010. gada 22. decembris
svētdiena, 2010. gada 19. decembris
it`s been a while since i wrote somthing in this bitch ass blogg, and i think that one of the reasons, could be that im having an awesome time here at home, and i love my friends, cause im laughing here like all the time, like every day. :D
and next week im gonna meet my super cool Brandbjerg-Latvian friends, YEEEEEEEES.
and, and now im visiting my godfather nad godmother and we are talking and i can`t concentrate for a second to write something useful, this is record is gonna be only as a reminder, to myself that im a lazy ass, and i need to keep writting here otherwise i will cut my own balls of. no , no , no i will not :) i won`t i? :D
and next week im gonna meet my super cool Brandbjerg-Latvian friends, YEEEEEEEES.
and, and now im visiting my godfather nad godmother and we are talking and i can`t concentrate for a second to write something useful, this is record is gonna be only as a reminder, to myself that im a lazy ass, and i need to keep writting here otherwise i will cut my own balls of. no , no , no i will not :) i won`t i? :D
otrdiena, 2010. gada 14. decembris
tru, tu tuuu
nothing that big has happened since, the last record, i bought some candies, played volleyball few times, came back home to Latvia, cleaned my room, you know the every day reagular stuff :D
ok, ok im home, a bit earlier, and that`s not cool, cause, here is like nothing to do, oh no i lied, here is tottaly nothing to do.
so im sitting in facebook all day and eating... only this morning was fucked up, cause i needed to visit doctor, for a blood test... i hope, that the weed remains are gone :D
and, and now i need to visit almost 1000 people in this few days, and i almost killed my grandma, cause she didn`t knew that im home, so got a heart attack :D .... of course she didnt get one, that`s just a stupid expression, you stupid people.
and this is the song, which i was repeating all over again while i wrote this shit, so you need to listen to this song, and you will understand, what exactely i was trying to say :D
ok, ok im home, a bit earlier, and that`s not cool, cause, here is like nothing to do, oh no i lied, here is tottaly nothing to do.
so im sitting in facebook all day and eating... only this morning was fucked up, cause i needed to visit doctor, for a blood test... i hope, that the weed remains are gone :D
and, and now i need to visit almost 1000 people in this few days, and i almost killed my grandma, cause she didn`t knew that im home, so got a heart attack :D .... of course she didnt get one, that`s just a stupid expression, you stupid people.
and this is the song, which i was repeating all over again while i wrote this shit, so you need to listen to this song, and you will understand, what exactely i was trying to say :D
pirmdiena, 2010. gada 6. decembris
trrr, trr
and im still using this font.
these pictures has nothing to do with denmark, i just wanted to show you a black egg. :)
and the truth about me and all of my friends.

and a dirty spot that looks like a penis.
thank you, have a good day.
i just finished my cleaning duty and sat down for a minute to write somthing super cool in my blogg.
and i need to figure out what to buy to my two little dumb sister, probably it`s going to be bunkergar (i have not idea how it`s spelled) but it`s a jule kage- christmas cake type thing. a cookie.
and i`ll better change back the font otherwise im starting to write such a bullshit in here, that i can`t believe it by myself.
now this is much more better, and cooler. and today i did my cleaning duty with a elf`s hat, and one old danish dude said to me this jagegahebgahbgagbaghbaakb, well he said something that i didn`t understand, but i just smiled to him and said thank you, and he smiled back to me, so i gues that my danish skills have improved a big time.
and i think that this weekend is going to be really crazy one, cause there will be the craziest party, cause im crazy and that`s all.
i promise to my blogg, that i`m not going to fuck with it anymore, meaning 5 records in one month.. that`s just ridicilous. i need to behave. ya rihards, behave, bahave.
and i want to smoke, but im broke like somthing that`s broken, and i don`t have any šmokes. i want to write something more, but i don`t think that you lazy bastards are able to read that much in one time, so relax your panties and look at some pictures, cause it`s pictures o` clock.
and the truth about me and all of my friends.

and a dirty spot that looks like a penis.
thank you, have a good day.
svētdiena, 2010. gada 5. decembris
i changed the font of the letters, whooooooooohuuuu
and now i will go pick up some socks cause my feets are freezing, i`ll be back in 2 minutes or less..
IM BAAAACK. and im acting like a 12 year old, using more letters in one word, that there should be, but what the fuck can you do, huh?
i don`t know if i mentioned, but im going to awesome latvia next sunday, that means, that i have 7 days in this bitch ass country, but im not that sad, cause im coming back in january and im a bit tired of these "always positive danish people" :D
it is not something bad, just im used to my latvian gangsters, and this is like a utopic place, at specially cause there is no escape, cause we`er in the middle of no where.
and, and, and it`s picture tiiiiiime :)
this is how you`re gonna look like if you`ll go to fyn (middle island of denmark) :D
and this is why i was in vejle kunstmuseum almost naked :D i got body painteeeeeed.
to be continued.. that means, that there will be more pictures next time, bitches.
and now i will go pick up some socks cause my feets are freezing, i`ll be back in 2 minutes or less..
IM BAAAACK. and im acting like a 12 year old, using more letters in one word, that there should be, but what the fuck can you do, huh?
i don`t know if i mentioned, but im going to awesome latvia next sunday, that means, that i have 7 days in this bitch ass country, but im not that sad, cause im coming back in january and im a bit tired of these "always positive danish people" :D
it is not something bad, just im used to my latvian gangsters, and this is like a utopic place, at specially cause there is no escape, cause we`er in the middle of no where.
and, and, and it`s picture tiiiiiime :)
this is how you`re gonna look like if you`ll go to fyn (middle island of denmark) :D
and this is why i was in vejle kunstmuseum almost naked :D i got body painteeeeeed.
to be continued.. that means, that there will be more pictures next time, bitches.
trešdiena, 2010. gada 1. decembris
in danish word "and" means duck, isn`t that just awesome?
i can feel that my brain has started to bee very stupid, meaning that i can not talk proper english language and sometimes even normal latvian, and i think that one of the reasons could be my rare blogg updating, and i don`t know the reason of that issue, but oh well im here again, so start to celebrate.. (everybody on the other side of the stupid computer screen now are saying "yeea, our hero is back with his madly awesome stories")
but now i need to eat this awesome cake so i will finish this later...
and now is later :D (i started to write this at 17.30 or something close to that)
my viking roommate just returned from his music class trip, where they recorded some crazy gangster songs and im looking forward to hear them. well of course that i have heard them already but only live, i can only imagine how that crazy shit is going to sound played on CD.
i havent done my homework for 4th time now (it`s the same one all of the times) but still it is pretty stupid.. anyway i just one 25k in poker, only stupid thing that is was a fake money, but now im upgrated from fish to playa, cause im so incredibly good in that game.
ok, me go to bed noooooooow.
see you little dum pige og dreng.
oh, and please do not do this at home or at germany. this "trick" is performed by professional under professional supervisors.
i can feel that my brain has started to bee very stupid, meaning that i can not talk proper english language and sometimes even normal latvian, and i think that one of the reasons could be my rare blogg updating, and i don`t know the reason of that issue, but oh well im here again, so start to celebrate.. (everybody on the other side of the stupid computer screen now are saying "yeea, our hero is back with his madly awesome stories")
but now i need to eat this awesome cake so i will finish this later...
and now is later :D (i started to write this at 17.30 or something close to that)
my viking roommate just returned from his music class trip, where they recorded some crazy gangster songs and im looking forward to hear them. well of course that i have heard them already but only live, i can only imagine how that crazy shit is going to sound played on CD.
i havent done my homework for 4th time now (it`s the same one all of the times) but still it is pretty stupid.. anyway i just one 25k in poker, only stupid thing that is was a fake money, but now im upgrated from fish to playa, cause im so incredibly good in that game.
ok, me go to bed noooooooow.
see you little dum pige og dreng.
oh, and please do not do this at home or at germany. this "trick" is performed by professional under professional supervisors.
Ziņas (Atom)